Wishing stones

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A/N: Hello-! This is the same story as before, but rewritten! It will be worded a bit differently and some things will be added! Give it a try!

"AAUUUGGGHHH!" The hallways echoed with loud screaming followed by the boy throwing his phone across the ground. "T-That corpse.... Was Mayu?! N-No way..." Sakutaro Morsihige remembered the pile of guts on the wall near the infirmary.
"Ah...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" The boy laughed manically and darted to the nearest window. He somehow broke it and jumped down to his death. Or at least Morishige hoped so..

*A few minutes later*

The boy woke up on a pile of cold, hard dirt. Morishige was in pain. I-? I'm alive...? The blue-haired boy thought to himself as he pulled up his body. A large amount of pain shocked him and he fell back to the ground, throwing up. "D-Damn..." Morishige grumbled and finally pulled himself up. He wiped himself of blood and vomit before finding the doorway to the school. Defiantly a broken arm.... Morishige winced in pain and held his arm, walking back into the school.


Once inside the school, Morishige had no idea where to go. He just hoped that everyone else made it out alive. The school seemed even quieter than before. Calm even. "M-Mayu.... I'm so sorry.. M-Maybe I should see her... To apologize.. Y-Yeah I should do that." The boy calmed down a bit and quietly made his way to the girls body. He was in a lot of pain, but Mayu was in even more. He finally got to his friend's innards on the wall. Not even a hour ago he had taken pictures of her guts. "M-Mayu... I just wanted to say... I love you." He made a small smile, remembering all their happy times together. If only we didn't do that charm.. We would all still be alive. Morishige started to tear up and almost immediately he wiped them away. The boy released there was something new about her body. Under it something gave off a small shine. He decided to investigate further. Morishige walked a little closer to it and saw that it was a stone. It kind of looks one of those cheap stones you buy to bring you good luck or something. But it never actually works. Hmm.. The curious boy picked it up. It was a blueish colour and a person can easily put it in their pocket.

"-It's a wishing stone." An unknown voice interrupted the teen's thoughts. Morishige turned around and saw a ghost. She was a short girl with black hair and a torn up red dress. Despite the appearance, this ghost was someone you don't want to mess with. She spoke again-this time with an angry tone. "Didn't you not hear me?! It's a wishing stone!"
"I heard you." Morishige answered.
The girl made a wicked snicker. "You know... You can bring your friend back with it." She glanced at the guts behind Morishige. "H-How-"

The girl ignored the boy and continued to talk. "If you use that stone... You can bring her back like I said. The day will be reset to the morning, acting like this alllllllll didn't happennn~!" The girl made an evil smile. "But it comes with a price."

How fishy... Morishige looked down to the stone. He would do anything to bring Mayu back. Anything.. Even if it was giving your life up, Morishige wouldn't hesitate to do it. "What's the price for using this stone?" The boy asked. The ghost giggled as if she was planning something evil and sinister. "Every time you use the stone, you lose some sanity. But your sanity is low right now, I wanna see how long you last~"
Morishige didn't listen to the laughing girl. He just simply closed his eyes and thought to bring Mayu back. Morishige opened them again and saw no change. A moment later he started to feel dizzy and passed out. A 'thump' can be heard though the school before Morishige's mind went completely blank.


Shige woke up in his room with the sun in his face. It took him a minute to release where he was. Morishige went wide eyed and made a gasp, darting to his side table to check his phone. The clock on his phone read 7:00Am. "I-It worked-!" He smiled as he called Mayu Suzumoto. She's alive..! She has to be alive! A couple of rings later a tired girl answered the phone. "H-Hello.....? Who is this..?"
"This is Morishige. Mayu?"
"Shige-Nii-! It's seven in the morning! Why are you awake this early?!" Morishige made a small gasp. Mayu didn't remember what happened. Thank god! Morishige thought. He was not going to tell her. Two reasons: one she would think he was insane. Two, Morishige thought Mayu would be mad at him for his actions. "I just had a nightmare. Sorry to worry you. See you in a bit." Morishige lied.
"O-Okay... See you Shige-Nii~!" The now cheerful girl hung up. Morishige sighed as he got up himself.

Seems like everything never happened.. I'll make sure that she never has to relive that hell again. He checked his school uniform for the stone. It was there. Morishige had a chance to change everyone's future. It could be one chance or a million chances. Depends if his sanity can hold.

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