Bad luck

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The girl with the one eye asked the question again. "Can we play with your sleeping friend?" Morishige gasped and ran as fast as he could to Mayu. But he was too late. The two ghosts appeared next to her and lifted her up into the air. "It's a yes then...." She turned to the ghost with half of her head missing. "N-No..." He ran towards Mayu and was forced back towards the ground. He gasped as he made impact with the hard ground. The two ghosts flew Mayu through the door and turned down the hallway. Not even a moment later he heard a loud scream, followed by a 'splat.'

Then silence.

He stayed on the floor, completely gobsmacked. He eventually pulled himself up. As soon as Morishige stood up, he threw up, kneeling back down on the ground. He eventually walked out the broken door and up to Mayu's innards. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you!" He wiped away some tears. "But I'm glad I know what really killed you. I'll bring you back now, okay?" He smiled and reached into his pocket, expecting him to pull out the stones.

Nothing was there.

"The stones.....WHERE THE HELL ARE THE STONES!" He yelled as he checked his other pockets. They weren't there. If Morishige didn't have the stones; he wouldn't be able to bring Mayu back. She would be in pain. They must have fallen out somewhere. What a pain! She's just going to be in agony until I find them. He retraced his steps until Morishige reached the classroom him and Mayu started off in. He looked around with no luck. Though, he picked up the rusty crowbar that was lying in the classroom. "Only to be used for self-defence." He held it in his hand and looked at it. But what if someone found them... Would I hurt them? He thought to himself, sighing. Perhaps... He chuckled. "The day would start all over. It doesn't matter if I would need to hurt someone for them, right? Yes, it's alright. All I have to do is stay alive and sane." He left the classroom. Before he came to the conclusion of someone taking the stones, he decided he would have to check if Mayu had gotten them somehow. That would mean searching around her guts. As much I would hate doing this.. It's better than possibly killing an innocent person. Morishige thought, walking back down the hallway. He tripped over something and hit the ground. He looked behind him and noticed it was Emi Urabe's corpse. He got up and hit it with the crowbar. "Why does everyone keep tripping over you?!" He made a slight smile and pulled out his cellphone. He took a picture of it without realizing. "...." He walked away to Mayu's innards. He gulped and bent down, digging around the area. Morishige tried to ignore the 'squishy' feeling of her intestines and the feeling of getting raw flesh stuck under his fingernails. "I'm so sorry Mayu. I'll be another minute, okay?" He talked to her knowing he won't get a response back. In conclusion, he didn't find anything. He only found the two pink circles that kept that small portion of Mayu's hair up. He held the two pink spheres in his bloody hands and held them close to him. By this point, it was the only thing keeping him sane. He got up and continued his search. He looked back at her guts. "I'm sure you won't love a person like me now... Haha I wish I could have confessed to you sooner." He muttered before walking away. The next time Morishige sees Mayu, he will confess his love to her.

Shig didn't realize where he was going until he walked into a unknown person. He fell to the ground, getting a better look at the stranger. "S-Sorry-" He looked up at a much taller male than he was. The unknown person had blue hair, a white shirt with a red jacket hanging over his shoulder. He was not from his school. The stranger had his hand reached out for him. He made a smile. Morishige sighed and took it, pulling himself up. "It's quite alright." The other boy said in a deep voice. "I am Kizami Yuuya. What's your name?" "Sakutaro Morishige. If you would excuse me, I'm looking for something." He started to walk away from Kizami before the taller male said something. "Nice hobby.." He chuckled. Morishige turned around and saw Kizami looking through his phone. He ran over and tried to take it back. The tall boy dodged, scrolling through the photos. "Hmm.... You really enjoy your hobby.." He chucked. Morishige snatched it from his hand. He looked at at and noticed there was now many corpse photos. Since when did I take so many photos?! He thought, looking through all the photos. There must have been 20 corpse pictures.
"Here's the deal" Kizami interrupted the boy's thoughts. "I'll give your stone back if you help me search for my sister." Morishige nodded. "Fine." They eventually both started to walk again. "Who are you looking for?"
"My sister. Her name is Yuka. She ran off a while ago. Silly girl! What are you looking for exactly...?" He chuckled.
Yuka.... That's the same name as Mochida's little sister. He sighed. "I'm looking for a shiny darkish-blue stone. It's important and a friend gave it to me." He lied, sighing. Kizami pulled something from his pocket. "You mean this? I found it on the ground a while ago." The shorter boy sighed. "Y-Yes!" He tried to grab them, but Kizami pulled away. "Whoa! Whoa! You haven't helped me find my precious Yuka yet!"
Morishige's grip on the crowbar tightened. What the hell?! Ugh.... I guess I'll have to get them back by force then.

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