Coming Back

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Earth's POV

After the Moon Revolution got called off Me, Moon and the two Martian Moons started to head home...

' How do you think Mars and Venus are doing moon? ' I finally said.

' Mercury should be taking care of them- WAIT-

' Moon said, running, realizing Phobos and Deimos were sprinting to check on Mars.
I chuckled a bit and kept on walking. I started to think about if Mercury told them about what happened. Knowing mercury, I thought he wouldn't do that unless I asked him to or gave him permission to.
' MARSSS ' I heard them say, they were getting close.
' Phobos! Deimos! Hey..! How did.. it go- augh-. ' Mars said, he's probably still in pain from being attacked, well I mean- no surprise there..

' Mars! Tell your damn moons to not be so noisy! ' Venus spoke, with an annoyed tone of voice. After that, they started to argue, as I finally got close enough to them.
Not knowing what I was about to do I started to speak
' Hey uhm- ' My arm moved as a reflex, but not for me. I grabbed Mars' wrist before he could slap Venus.
' M-Mars....? '
I heard Phobos say.. I didn't see them but Phobos and Deimos must've been really scared...

Mars' Pov

I looked at Earth sharply then heard Phobos say shakily..
' M-Mars....? ' I turned to look at my moons and instantly became worried and guilty.. they were shaking and breathing heavily and shakily
' P-Phobos... Deimos.. ' I said softly.
They ran fast. They.. hugged me.. it was a tight hug.. poor moons, they must've been really scared..

Earth released his grip on me and I bent down to pat my moons' head as they started crying.
' Sh... Sh.. it will be alright.. ' I said, trying to calm down the moons... I didn't even notice the slight laughter coming from the asteroid belt.... But I bet.. Earth and Venus did....
Thanks for reading! Sorry it's short.. but, early episode 1 because I'm very busy for the rest of today  :3

Words : 341

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