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This is a continuation of 'Who's creeping around?'.
Btw, he has to be taught how to talk, since he never knew how, even when he first formed, mostly because he was mute (my AU) for 2.3 billion years.
No one's POV
Mars, Ceres, and Luna all turned their heads in unison at the voice— it was Earth! He had decided to come over after seeing Ceres attack Venus and was worried about Mars because of it.

'Hey you guys—! Oh and uhm—... who's that-?' Earth spoke

'This is Ceres- We met during the very beginning of the moon revolution, along with Io and Callisto, and fought him, and well-.. defeated him I guess..' Luna said, as Ceres glared at him.

'Wait— you fought him-?' Mars asked.

'Yeah—..? Oh.. I didn't tell you about that—' Luna said.

Ceres stuck his tongue out at Luna, annoyed at him mentioning that. (He's an adult btw, just childish). Mars looked down at him, chuckling slightly from how childish he was being, then picking him up again. Ceres started kicking again, before accepting that he was gonna be held.

'So—... what did you need Earth?' Luna asked.

'Oh-! I just came over because I saw- Ceres attack Venus earlier, and decided to come over.. just to check in..' Earth said, glancing over at Ceres and Mars.

'Hm? Oh, alright. Can you— help us with something Earth?' Mars asked.

'Of course! With... what though?' Earth said.

'Helping to teach Ceres how to talk' Mars spoke.

'Oh! Okay! Wait—... isn't he like... 4.5 billion years old— not trying to be rude but.. did no one teach him how to talk, or.. perhaps he couldn't talk..?' Earth said, as Ceres shook his head no.

Mars set Ceres down, sitting down to somewhat match his height, then wrapping him in a tight hug.

'H-Ha-heh-?' Ceres laughed in confusion and being flustered, blushing slightly.

'You two are so cute-!' Earth said, making Mars start blushing as well.

'Let's just— ask Mercury if he can help us as well..' Mars said, standing up. 

'Alright!' Earth and Luna said in unison.

Ceres glanced at the Asteroid Belt, then tugged on the bottom of Mars' shirt, and pointing.

'Hm-? The Asteroid Belt..? What do you need with it— Oh.. Do you- uh-.. wanna go back there..?' - Mars said.

Luna and Mars looked down at Ceres, who was shaking his head, indicating he didn't wanna go back there.

'You don't wanna go back..? Okay.. uh, would you like to stay in my orbit, or something like that..?' Mars asked Ceres.

'Hah!!' Ceres nodded, wanting to stay in Mars' orbit.

'Ooh!' Said Phobos.

'Yay! New friend!' Deimos said, while he and Phobos circled around Ceres.

Ceres smiled, not in his normal crazy way though, just a normal smile.

'Well, let's go ask Mercury for help!' Earth said.

They all nodded, and started walking to Mercury's orbit— well, everyone besides Earth and Luna, because of Earthlings and tides. And Phobos and Deimos, since they don't like the heat as much as the cold.

Skip to when they get to Mercury's orbit
Ceres was basically melting, if it was possible, since he's used to the coldness of the Asteroid belt, but luckily, Mars was naturally cold despite what orbit he was in, so he just stayed close to him.

'Oh- uhm.. hey you guys!' Mercury spoke.

'Hello Mercury..!' Luna and Mars said, while Ceres waved.

'Do you guys need anything?'

'Well.. we wanted to ask you for help in teaching Ceres how to speak!' Mars said.

'Oh! Sure— I guess! Uh.. let me ask Sun'

Few Earth Minutes Later
'Okay, for once, Sun is letting me leave my orbit!!' (🤭) Mercury said.

'Good.. do you have a chalkboard or something? Oh- I just saw that— my bad Merc-' Mars said.

'Nah you're good, now, let's get to teaching!!' Mercury said, walking to Mars' orbit, the others following him.

Mars looked down at Ceres, who was sweating, and picked him up. Ceres cuddled up to him, like he was a little baby clinging to his mother. Mars smiled at this, and Mercury and Luna looked at them, then each other, chuckling.

At Mars' orbit
Ceres let out a sigh of relief, and got set down by Mars.

'Alright! Let's get to wo-'

'Wait! We need Earth first.. Be right back!' Luna said, interrupting Mercury.

'Oh, okay. I'll just write down the alphabet to teach Ceres that for now!' Mercury said.

Ceres looked excited, and clung onto Mars' pants, making him smile and pet Ceres' head. Mercury started writing the first half of the alphabet.

Ceres looked up at the chalkboard after a bit, seeing the letters.. 'A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M' written on it. (He can't really read or speak)

'Heh..?' Ceres said, looking at the letters.

'This is the first half of the alphabet! So.. let's look at the first letter, A. It can be said like 'A' (Uh) and 'A' (A) and 'A' (As in, an). Now, can you try saying those?'

'A-A..? A-A-..A!' Ceres stuttered.

Mars patted him on the head, saying, 'Good job!!'. Ceres smiled.

'Now, for the next letter, B! It can be said, ' B ' (Bee), and ' B ' (buh).!' Mercury said.

'A-A-... B-b-... B!!' Ceres said, still stuttering.

'Great job!' Mars said. 'Oh hey! Luna's back with Earth!'

'Hello! Soo-.. What's he on so far—?' Luna said

'The letter C—'

'C-C..!!!!' Ceres exclaimed happily

Mars chuckled, and ruffled Ceres' hair. The others looked at one another, and smirked.


Ceres now knows the entire alphabet, with the help of all the inner planets and inner moons (except Venus, because Ceres doesn't like him-)

'A-A.. b c-c d.. e f g h-h i j k l m n-n o p q.. r s t-t u v w x y z...!!!' Ceres said, happy that he recited the entire alphabet.

Mars smiled at Ceres, and carried him in his arms, holding him close to his chest as Ceres buried his face in Mars' chest.

I'm sorry I was gone for a while- I had a writers block 😭 Anyways, I'll post headcannons soon- or try to.

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