A Helping Hand (Iapetus X Enceladus) ❤️

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* This is a Solarhuman AU, so they have a humanoid appearance but look as they would as moons ( EXAMPLE : Iapetus would have his brown side and white side on his face, and have both colors on his body *


3rd Person POV

Ganymede had ordered 12-17 Moons to help bandage any others who got wounded in the Battle Against Mars and Venus, the nicest thing he's probably done so far.

' Alright. ' Said Iapetus as he took off Enceladus' shirt to bandage up his torso. This made both of them blush heavily, but stay focused enough.

' Ah— ' said Enceladus as Iapetus bandaged up a bleeding gash on the side of his torso.

' Are you alright? ' Iapetus spoke, still focused on bandaging up the other moon.

' I'm- ugh— I'm fine. ' Enceladus said, still blushing heavily, as was Iapetus.

Iapetus had moved on to bandaging up Enceladus' arms. While the moon was somewhat sad that Iapetus was almost done, he just wanted to be near him, he just wanted to bury his face into the brown and white moons' warm chest.

' I'm done. ' Enceladus fell sadder hearing this, but not showing it, so he still looked as serious as normal.

' Ugh, alright. ' Iapetus stood up, hearing Enceladus speak— he was taller than Enceladus, since he was the third largest moon of Saturn.

Iapetus took off he sweatshirt and gave it to Enceladus, since- well- his other shirt had been stained with his blood, so Iapetus was going to wash it later.

Enceladus started thinking of how he could stay with Iapetus, then he got an idea!

' Hey- erm- Iapetus? ' The moon looked down at the other at the sound of him speaking,

' Hm? '

' Do you want to— ' Enceladus paused, then started to blush,

' Do you- want to- collect.. asteroids with me? ' Both of the moons were now blushing and Enceladus was covering his face as Iapetus just stood there, flustered.

' H—Hm? Sure, I.. I guess.. ' Iapetus said, smiling softly, then returning to his normally emotionless facial expression, as the other moon uncovered his face and smiled slightly as well.

The 2 Rhean ( AKA Saturnian ) moons started to walk together, both debating wether they should hold the others hand.

Eventually they had collected enough asteroids and were carrying them in a bag that Ganymede, Europa, and Titan had given them all. Since they both still had a hand open, Iapetus was running his hand through the others' hair.

Enceladus had grabbed Iapetus' wrist and pulled his arm down, then held his hand, interlocking their fingers, Iapetus continued walking, but he was heavily blushing, Enceladus was also blushing, but just a little bit softer than Iapetus.

' Erm— Hey- Iapetus? ' Iapetus turned his head down to the smaller moon,

' Y—Yes? ' he responded.

' Are you also tired of walking this far— augh, my legs still hurt from the batt— ' he almost finished speaking but Iapetus went in front of him and picked him up,

' ttle...— U-Uhm Iapetus— why are you.. '

' You said you were tired of walking this far and that your legs hurt. So I'm going to carry you for now. ' after saying that he looked at Enceladus and realized he was blushing, this made him blush a bit, but he just shook his head and brushed it off.

' Well! I know but, you don't need to carry me Iapetus!! ' Enceladus said, puffing his cheeks out in annoyance.

' Alright then. '

' Wait wha- OW ' Enceladus said as Iapetus dropped him onto the ground ( imagine space has a ground for right now ok 😭 )

Iapetus slightly chuckled as the smaller moon struggled to get up, he eventually reached his arm out to help him get up, but he just slapped it away, so Iapetus retracted his hand from him.

' Come on— ' Iapetus tried to think of what could make the other get up,

' Come on Ensalada '

' YOU BITC— ' Screamed the other moon, scrambling to get up,

When he finally got up he slapped Iapetus hard on the cheek, making him stand there wide-eyed in shock.

Iapetus turned and looked sharply at Enceladus, this made him feel uncomfortable because Iapetus doesn't do this ( much ).

Instead of doing anything, Iapetus just dropped his bag and walked up to Enceladus, hugging him with one arm and rubbing / petting ( ? ) the back of his head while nuzzling his face into his hair.

Of course, Enceladus returned the hug and was happy!

Dione stood far enough away so that they wouldn't see her, whispering to herself,

' Ship, has sailed. '

THANKS FOR READING!!  Sorry it took a while to upload- TvT

Words : 761

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