Dark Clouds and Large Rings... <3

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Don't ask how these two can be by each other and hug ok-

Tres2b ( darkest planet we've discovered and She / Them ) and J1407B ( planet with the largest rings we've discovered and He/Them )
Tres2b was just heading over to J1407b when she encountered a rogue planet, with scars, making him look badass- It tried to fight her, so they fought it, and left a bloody mess over them both.

' Thanks I guess- TRES!1!1!1! ' J1407b said, running towards the dark planet.

' Hey- augh- hey JB.. ' Tres2b said, grunting because the rogue planet stabbed them with an asteroid, that J1407b just now noticed.

' Tres... what happened.? ' J1407b spoke, worried about his " friend ".

' I fought another rogue planet and- '

' AGAIN!?!?! ( miss gurl 💅 )  I THOUGHT I SAID NOT TO- '

' Ugh- can I speak? ' Tres2b interrupted, with an annoyed tone.

' * sigh * Yea.. sorry.. '

' So I was fighting this- ugh- this rogue planet and, well, it stabbed with this this— asteroid—' Tres2b started saying.. before being interrupted by J..


' I'm fine.. and it's alright.. so.. as I was saying.. this rogue planet saw me when I was coming to your system and... well— attacked me.. but.. I've dealt with worse so—.. this asteroid doesn't really bother me, I just need a bandage wrap— do you have any left?'

' I-I do-! Let me find it for y-you Tres-! '

' Thanks rings... '

JB brought Tres her their bandage wrap, as he looked away when she started pulling out the asteroid and wrapping her torso up.

' Ew... blood.. ' JB said in slight disgust.

' What about it? ' Tres asked.

' It's just- gross-! '

' Well it's inside of you, so deal with it. '

' B-But-! Alright Tres... ' JB said, giving up

' Does rings want a hug..? ' Spoke Tres, teasingly.

' M-Maybe.. ' JB said, as Tres pulled them into a tight hug, then proceeding to wrap her arms around his neck.

JB was feeling flustered as he started blushing in front of Tres.

' My ringed friend~... So-.. What did you read about Saturn today-? ' Tres asked.

' Oh yea-! Saturn-!! Well.. it's actually a sad theory this time... the theory is that Saturns rings were formed from the corpses of dead moons that came too close the the Roche Limit.. '

' Oh— But wait— if Saturns rings are like that-.. DO YOU SEE YOUR RINGS- LIKE- GODDAMN JB- '

' Stop screaming... '

' Alright— sorry JB.. '

' It's fine! But you might wanna return to your star system... wouldn't your star be worried? '

' I guess but— I don't think that they're that worried.. but, I guess I can go. Bye JB, see you later-! ' Tres said, walking back to their star system, as JB waved goodbye..

(Ceres angst may be coming up soon...)
Words: 468

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