Galactic Love <3 ( Milky Way X Andromeda )

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NEVER. QUESTION. HOW THEY CAN HUG WITHOUT MERGING (Also- andromeda is also Andy and Milky Way is also M, and, Galactic Clusters are basically giant mansions- so-. HUMANOID AU-!!)
Andromeda had to help all of the little galaxies ( they are kids ) with stuff, since she's the biggest ( Andromeda and Milky Way are roughly the same size though, andromeda being bigger ) of the group, Milky Way was just standing at a distance, watching Andromeda deal with the kids.

'Why are you guys like this-!?' Andy groaned.

'Hey! Don't be a meanie! Milky Way!! Andromeda is being a meanie again!' Cried out the Small Magellanic Cloud.

'I'm not being a meanie- I'm just.. !*Sigh*'

'Alright Alright.. I guess I can help you Andy..' Said Milky Way, walking towards Andromeda.

'Thanks M.. now. CLEAN UP THE MESS YOU MADE WITH LARGE MAGELLANIC CLOUD.' Andy yelled to Small and Large Magellanic Cloud.

'Fine....' Small and Large said in sync.

Andy and M both sat down on the ground, as Andy laid her head on M's shoulder, even though she was taller than him. (In human AU she is half an inch taller-)

'I'm tired as hell... can you cook today?' Andy groaned.

Milky Way would chuckle slightly,

'Of course Andy. Now, go find the others and ask
them what they want.'

After that, because I'm lazy as fuck-

Milky way and Andy would sit down on their bed, tired and wanting to sleep, and, well, cuddle. Andy snuggled up to M, falling asleep quickly as M stroked her hair gently, as he fell asleep too...

Short episode- I'm sorry- I don't have many ideas but- I'm back! And I have my work finished for school + Spring break next week, so you might get 2 episodes next week, depending on my motivation.

Words: 299

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