Whos Creeping Around. . . ?

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Hello readers! This should be longer than pt 1 🤩
Venus' POV

I heard laughter, like, weird creepy laughter, coming from the asteroid belt. I'm pretty sure that Earth and his moon heard it as well.

' W-What was that? ' the earth said, in a scared-ish tone.

' Do you think we kno- '

' What was what? ' Mars said, cutting me off.

There was silence for a moment as the laughter came back..

' Mars.. Do you think it's.. you know, Ceres? ' said the earths moon

' I-I hope not ' Mars said while shaking a bit.

' CERES!? You mean, the dwarf planet mars is afraid of? ' I said. ' We need to check- ' I started to say, then got cut off by mars again.

' We shouldn't! He's d-dangerous...! '

In a moment I heard a BOOM! Followed by bits of.. an asteroid..?

Moons POV

Mars? ... He got hit by an asteroid! Oh my stars..

I rushed over to him as he held his eye and was breathing hard.. I looked over at the asteroid belt and saw him. I knew it, Ceres. He hadn't ran away yet.

' We need to do something about about Ceres.. Mars, we may need your help for it.. it may be scary for you but we need you for it. ' I said.

' I.. I guess I can help.. ' said Mars, Venus and Mercury also agreed to help so we started creating a plan..


' Alright, so, are we ready to go to the asteroid belt? ' I blurted on top of all the chatter,

' I am so ready for this ' Venus said, not surprising to be honest. As we started going Earth said,

' Be careful you 4! '

I responded with ' We will don't worry! ' Might've been a lie.. but, he wouldn't know that!
Mercury headed to distract the Sun from us leaving our orbits, Venus' idea, and it worked!

As we entered the asteroid belt Venus and I stayed hidden as Mars went ahead as the bait..

' Alright... you got this.. don't worry mars you should be fine.. ' Mars muttered to himself..

' HEHEH HAHEH! ' Ceres laughter echoed throughout the area..

Me and Venus got our ropes ready so we could tie him up and catch him, also a bandage, just in case Mars got attacked by Ceres again..

Then we saw him, he was moving fast, so we had to wait until he could aim to attack Mars,as he aimed Venus and I launched at him and tied him up..!

We told Venus not to attack the Dwarf Planet but, he threw a large asteroid at him and knocked him out.


Phobos and Deimos started telling Mars about the adventures they had during the moon revolution and how they were sorry about joining the revolution and that they didn't know that Mars would've gotten hurt because of it, Mars said it was fine and that he was just worried about them..

' Ugh! When do you think the crazy maniac is gonna wake up!? ' Venus shared..

' Don't call him a crazy maniac maybe was just- well, going crazy because of being isolated from everybody else. He's been in the asteroid belt since he formed Venus! ' said Mars, I was surprised at that because it seemed like Mars.. cared about Ceres..?

After a minute we heard a soft ' Heh....?! '. Ceres had woken up, when I turned my head around, he seemed scared and was shaking.

Mars stepped farther away from Ceres a little bit, but not too much..

' HA, HeH.. hee.. ngh.. ' Ceres was trying to get out, with no luck.. when Mars said something that made even Ceres look at him confused.

' M..Maybe we should.. y'know, untie him? '

' ARE YOU CRAZY MARS..?! ' Screamed Venus, Ceres still looked scared and confused..

' I'm just saying- no one deserves to be tied up like that, except maybe some earthlings, but still- HEY! ' he said as Venus came up to him and slapped him.

I turned to look at Ceres and he seemed, like, angry at that, then I looked at his ropes- He bit them off!?They then fell off him as his mouth closed hiding his sharp teeth.

Ceres ran to Venus and bit him. Mars stepped back in shock but then Ceres tackled Venus and punched him hard- that ought to leave a bruise.

Mars quickly picked up ceres then held him like a baby, well, then Ceres started kicking mars and trying bite him, Mercury ran over to help and calm down Venus.

' C-Ceres! Please calm down, I'm fine, I'm fine okay?! ' Said mars, ceres seemed to calm down at this but then turned over and-....

Hugged mars?! Mars and me were both confused at this, then Mars started comforting him as he realized he was crying a bit, it was muffled a bit but I could hear it a bit as I walked over to mars..

Mars kept and saying ' Sh.. it will be okay.. ' to him but Ceres kept on shaking and crying slightly, this went on for like- 10 minutes them Mars set Ceres down and asked him..

' Uhm ceres- do you know how to, erm, talk? ' Ceres looked confused for a moment the shook his head no..

Then I got an idea!

' Mars! We could teach him how to speak! ' Ceres looked happy hearing that exclamation! Mars nodded his head in agreement then smiled slightly, patting ceres' head as he smiled.

By this point Venus and Mercury had returned to their orbits, and we discussed a plan on how to teach Ceres how to speak... When we heard a familiar voice shout ' Mars! ' ...

Thanks for reading folks! I need ideas for episodes or requests to add onto this! Anyhow- hope you have a good day/afternoon/night!

Total words : 961

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