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The rest of the week went by pretty fast and I couldn't wait to meet Luke on Friday. I was nervous but I knew nothing could go bad.

I put on a mid-length black dress with a split on the side and a pair of black high heels. After insisting all week he finally agreed to tell me what we were going to do. He chose a date at the restaurant so I knew I could wear something more fancy.

"I see you went for sexy today" Ivy said smirking as she entered my room.

"It's just a dress. Shut up" I said as I was checking my purse to see if I put everything I needed in it

"A dress that perfectly lays on your butt" she playfully smacked my ass. I turned around to give her a hit too but I got distracted when my mom called my name downstairs.

"Riley, there's a car outside"

I rushed downstairs but I immediately got stopped by my dad.

"Not so fast, young lady"

They already know I'm going on a date but dad is always protective and shit.

"I'm not going outside to threaten him today but he better bring you back before ten" he said pointing his finger at me

"Dad, I'm not a kid." I sighed as I walked towards the door

"Don't forget that we love you!" He yelled as I opened the door

"Love you too. Bye!" I yelled too then I closed it and looked behind me to see a black truck. Luke got outside as soon as he saw me and he was holding in his right hand a bouquet of red roses. The white ones are my favorites but I love them anyway.

"These are for you" he handed me the flowers and I thanked him and gave him a hug. He opened the door for me and I got inside with his help.

He drove us to a restaurant located in our neighborhood that wasn't the most expensive one but it was pretty fancy anyway.

As soon as we got inside a waitress brought us the menus and we both ordered some water for ourselves.

"So, how are you?" He asked after the waitress left.

"I'm good. How are you?" I answered kinda nervous. What was wrong with me?

"It's just me, Riley. I won't bite you" he told me as he smiled. He moved his hand closer to me and took my hand in his. I looked at him smiling as my emotions faded a little.

I didn't even notice the time passing by as the waitress came with out food. We both ordered pasta and it actually looked good.

"Thank you" we both said at the same time. I looked at the plate in front of me then I looked at Luke and smiled but something caught my attention as I looked behind him.

I don't think he noticed my mood change when I saw the person at the second table next to ours. Billie just took a seat along with a ginger haired guy. He seemed older than us and he was way taller than her. Was that her boyfriend?

She was facing me and as soon as she looked my way she noticed my presence. It was like she looked directly in my eyes and I saw something in them. It seemed to be something between sadness and anger. Hopefully she won't try to bother me.

"Is there something on my face?" Luke asked smiling. He must have noticed

"I- no. You're fine. I was only thinking about some stuff" I said trying to sound convincing

"Was it about...us?" He asked smiling and raising his eyebrow. How the hell do I answer?

"Yes. I really enjoy your presence" I didn't entirely lied to him. I really liked spending time with him.

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