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"Diego is always choosing food, I swear" Ivy said as we pulled into the driveway .

For this Saturday Diego chose as activity cooking. We gathered at his place and made a cake together. The recipe was from the book I gave him. I'm glad he liked it.

"It was good though" I said

"I agree"

We are currently going home after a fun day with our friends. Ivy is usually the one to drive because she's the older one and after the accident I had I took a long pause from driving. She was the one to drive us around and it stayed that way.

We are all in the same neighborhood but Diego's and our houses have the biggest difference in between. It's already dark outside and I love to lean my head closer to the window and look out as we pass by.

"What do you think will happen between Luke and I? I asked her

"I think it's best to wait until Monday. He better come up with a good excuse for his behavior, otherwise-"

"Watch out!" I yelled in horror as a car crossed the intersection really fast, even though our light was green.

Ivy hit the breaks immediately and as I felt the force of my body immediately stopping my brain fogged up and a memory hit me.

"Oh my god! Do you think they're okay?" I heard a muffled voice. Everything was dark as my eyes were closed.

"Call 911!" Another voice yelled

I tried to move but my body was almost paralyzed. My head was hurting like hell and I felt a warm liquid pouring down my face.

I was zoning in and out but I heard something next to me. It was another person groaning in pain. I felt my heartbeat increasing at the sounds but I didn't know why.

I suddenly felt a hand on my knee. "Riley" the person groaned. The voice was so familiar but unrecognizable at the same time. It was a desperate call but I felt like crying when I wasn't able to answer back.

"One of them is still moving " was the last thing I heard before I completely lost my consciousness.

"Riley! Answer me, are you okay?" I looked to my side to see a terrified Ivy.

"I- yeah. What happened? Did we crash?" I asked as I tensed up, but I realized that I was able to move

"No. But that idiot almost hit us. We got scared but your reaction scared me even more. You were starting into space and not answering" Ivy took her hands off of me and squeezed my hand.

"What happened?" She asked

"I-I had one of those flashbacks. I think it was about the accident" I explained.

Ivy looked at me a bit confused but also scared. She knows that this kind of flashbacks can be traumatizing. I'm usually having them when things similar with the ones from my past happen. They're similar to a deja vu but much worse because I usually zone out completely.

"Were there other people involved?" I asked thinking of the voices and especially of the one calling my name

"I-you know I can't really tell you" Ivy said squeezing my hand. I couldn't be mad at her for that. She was just scared to tell me the truth.

"But can you at least tell if it was my fault?" I asked concerned. I would hate to know that I did that to myself.

"No, Riley. It wasn't your fault" she assured me.

The rest of the weekend I was thinking only about what happened. I felt stupid because I never took in consideration other people. I never thought that there were more people who went through what I did.

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