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The school started again and so did my therapy sessions. Sometimes I feel like once a week is too much and sometimes it feels too less.

After everything that happened during this holiday break I felt like I would have to spend days with Christina, but she always manages to surprise me as a doctor. I don't know what I would do without her.

"Is this boy that you told me about the only reason you felt so stressed out recently?" She asked me

I usually tell her everything that happens in my life and she helps me find the best way to cope with that. She can't really tell me the things from my past but through her words I put together my own puzzle pieces and figure out the things on my own.

"Not really. This girl that was bullying me was also...weird. We had a vulnerable moment together and I felt so attached to her. Did we meet before or something?"

Christina looked down to her papers and noted something, then she looked at me.

"Maybe you should discover the reason behind those feelings on your own. The anger feelings can get to you even though a memory loss" she said smiling

"But I don't think that was anger" I tried to explain to her and maybe to myself too

"Then that's up to you to figure out what it was" she said as she closed her notebook and put away her papers

"That's it for today. You're doing well and I think you're on the right path. The sad part is that your recovery depends on the people around you too, but I trust you to choose the right company" Christina said as she came with me to the exit

The first day of school in this year wasn't something I was looking forward to. Everything was pink until I remembered what the math teacher told me a couple weeks back. Considering the fact that I was still horrible at math, I knew she was going to choose for me a tutor.

When I entered the class Steve was already in his usual seat in the back next to Billie. He waved at me and I did the same but she gave no sign. She was looking on her phone but something tells me that she was only opening her settings app and closing it back again.

The whole lesson went by hard as fuck. Ms. Johnson was pretending to teach us something and we were pretending to understand.

"Am I right, Harris?" She asked out of nowhere, taking me by surprise

"Um...yes" I said not having any idea of what she was talking about.

"I don't think so. We'll have a talk after this class" she said smirking. Why the hell would you say something if it's wrong?

After the bell rang, I waited for the others to get out but she turned out to be faster than that.

"O'Connell and Harris, please wait" she said as she sat down.

Don't tell me she's gonna do this.

Both of us went to her desk, not even looking at each other and she smiled at Billie, then looked with kind of a disgusted expression at me.

"As you know, Harris is not so good in math. I'm asking you to help her, otherwise she'll definitely fail my class" She said only looking at Billie

"But-" Billie tried to protest but she got interrupted

"I know you will have a lot of work to do, but I promise to take your help in consideration by the end of this year" she said, then she looked at me

"As for you, young lady, take this as an opportunity to learn new things" she stood up from her seat, and that was our sign to get out.

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