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"Hi! Come in" Finneas greeted me as he opened the door.

"Billie is in the shower but she'll come out soon. You can wait in her room" he said

I thanked him and walked inside then went straight to her room. It was always red  and honestly I liked it. She was turning the lights on when we were doing math but I always wondered if we could do it with the red ones.

I heard the bathroom's door so I knew she will come in. When the door of the room opened, I was surprised to see Billie in just a black nike sports bra and a pair of shorts.


Wait. What?

As soon as she saw me she froze and I did the same. "Fuck" was all she said before she turned around and left the room. I heard her voice as she was yelling at Finneas but I couldn't figure out what they were saying.

I sat for a second with the noise in the background, thinking about what I just saw and now I couldn't take my mind off her big boobs and sexy tattoos.

Oh my god, stop!

But even though those things were ephemeral in my mind, something I could bet I saw wasn't. When she turned around, I clearly saw something similar to a scar on the left side of her body. It was the combination of a burn and a scratch you would get when you fall on the ground. Whatever provoked it, I bet it was painful as hell.

When she came back she was wearing a large, black nike hoodie that was covering any desire of analyzing her body more.

"Sorry for that. I didn't know you were here" she said as she sat down, not even looking at me.

It was so weird seeing her without the many silver chains around her neck. The soft looking skin felt empty. I never really analyzed them as they felt like something that belonged around her neck.

I sometimes wear chains too, but something not too big and noticeable, but the way Billie wears them makes it cooler than it seems.

The rings were also missing, her veiny hands taking my attention from time to time as she was trying to explain certain things to my stupid brain.

"And that would be it for today. I feel like you didn't understand this chapter. Is there a problem?" She asked frowning

"I- no. It's okay. I guess I'm just a little bit tired. Don't worry" I stuttered as I sat up, ready to leave.

Finneas drove me home like usual, but I didn't pay any attention to him or the road as my mind was still at Billie's body.

I was trying to recover the image of the tattoos on her body. The words on her lower abdomen, that were sadly covered by her pants were just as frustrating as the huge back tattoo that I could trace with my fingers for hours and still not get bored of.

~time skip~

I sat down in a seat in the history class, looking around at all the people entering one by one. Billie sat in the back, far away as usual and made sure not to pay attention to me.

Sometimes she feels so cold and sometimes she's the most friendly and caring person. I don't understand her.

"All right class, today I'll give you a new project to do on pairs. You'll get your partners just as the last time, so please extract a peace of paper." The teacher said as he held out a bag for each kid on the right side of the classroom.

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