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I was cleaning my room when I got a sudden phone call from Luke.

"Hey" I said after I picked up

"Hi babe. How are you?" He asked kinda lazily

"Good. What about you?"

"Thinking about your beautiful face and I wanted to ask you something"

"What is it?" I asked intrigued

"Will you come on a date with me this Friday? I kinda miss being just you and I"

I felt excitement as soon as he mentioned the word date.

"Sure. Seven like usual?" I asked trying to sound chill

"Yeah. See ya" he said then he just hung up

I jumped out of happiness around my room, then got back to cleaning. I have some random things that I think I could get rid of.

I found things from tenth grade that I was supposed to throw away but I still used to review everything during the summer break. Now that school is going well, I decided to get rid of everything, except the math stuff. I still need it.

As I opened a drawer to look inside, I discovered some random shit like buttons, small rocks and stickers. Some of them I remember collecting while the others are just pieces of paper to me.

I looked through all the weird stuff but a certain small object caught my attention. It was a small, silver key that I had no memory of.

Because it must have been from the period of time I didn't remember, maybe it would have been a good idea not to throw it away. I left it with the rest of things and closed the drawer like nothing interesting was inside.

When Friday finally came around, I felt like I couldn't wait anymore for the date. Billie and I met at school but she said she was busy for the rest of the week so we agreed to see each other on Monday at her place again.

When I asked Luke what I should wear this time, he said that it should be 'something sexy'. I didn't question his answer too much, so I chose another black dress, but it was shorter, and a pair of knee high boots.

When I left the house, dad wasn't in the living room since he was out in the city with mom. Thank god.

"Bitch, you getting laid today?" I heard Ivy from the kitchen

"Wait, what?" I asked as I looked myself in the mirror from our hallway

"Your outfit. It screams sexy" she added

"That's because he said I should wear something like that. I'm really not in the mood for sex" I said panicked

My sister put her plate on the counter and walked to me. She looked me up and down, then put her hands on my shoulders

"You're beautiful. If he wants to do anything and you're not ready, don't hesitate to decline. Don't let a guy decide who you are and who you want to be. Okay?" She said looking me in the eyes

"Okay" I said as I nodded, then I turned my head as I heard a car outside

"Gotta go" I said, then we said goodbye

When I got to the car, I struggled to get inside but I smiled when I got greeted by his smile and a box of chocolate in his hand. He said that it was for me and I thanked him.

He started driving, and I didn't question him until we got in an area of the neighborhood I've never seen before.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"To a party" he said simply. I've never heard of that kind of place for a date.

"Aren't we on a date?" I questioned him

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