14. Any Means Necessary

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Ciel had been restless after Ophelias kidnapping. Although his plan was coming fully into fruition, he couldn't help but fret for his missing sister. A pang of guilt seized his chest momentarily as he excused her absence to the party guests. He explained that she had grown faint and was forced to rest due to weak disposition. Many of the ball's guests, all eligible and successful bachelors, appeared forlorn at the news. Aleister Chambers fell into a dramatic fit declaring his unyielding devotion to his 'golden dove.' Ciel guffawed in displeasure at the idea of such a villain courting his beloved sister.

In her absence, Ciel had kept the festivities afloat. Although he did not enjoy the fanfare, he understood the importance of the night's success. He had danced with his betrothed Elizabeth to her heart's content and had ordered all staff to ensure every champaign flute remained full. All in attendance grew drunk and gay and danced lively into the night. Only when his trio of servants informed him of Sebastian and Ophelias' return did Ciel bid his guests farewell and retired for the night.

In his warm and comfortable bed Ciel lay wide awake trying to ignore the torrent of guilt and worry that plagued him. As the Queens Guard Dog Ciel accepted the danger that came with his duty. He had never second guessed his actions or hesitated in use of his pawns but tonight he didn't feel quite justified. Surely the threat had been eliminated by Sebastian and Ophelia would be returned unharmed as ordered but he didn't trust his sister to remain undamaged by the terrors that lurk all around. Ciel had become so numb to the fear and existential panic these dark forces wield but he feared how the truth would affect Ophelia. Although she was older, she was so naïve, pure, and trusting- all qualities that had been stolen from him. Is it fair to subject his beloved sister to the underworld he was bound by honor to rule?

"You seem worried master." Sebastian said from the doorway, "I'm surprised you haven't yet fallen asleep."

"You certainly took your time this evening." Ciel huffed, "What do you have to report?"

"Lady Anghel and Baron Dumont were indeed coconspirators in these kidnapping heists. A Lord Lucian Anghel had manipulated the Baron into complicity by promising a cure for his deathly ill daughter who had contracted consumption." Sebastian spoke plainly.

"And what of the kidnapped girls?" Ciel asked boredly.

"Lucian had attempted a ritual of unholy matrimony on each of the ladies resulting in a gruesome plight. Five of the women were stripped of their souls and lived on as animated corpses gorging themselves of human flesh. The fifth, Catharine Dumont, had been successfully turned but had to be eliminated." Sebastians voice was smooth and unconcerned as he relayed the series of events.


"Yes. Vampires. Lowly creatures to be quite honest." Sebastian smirked as he imagined his slaughter of the vampire brood, "Egotistical, selfish, deviant, and dim leaches."

"Sounds familiar." Ciel murmured to the demon, "And what of Ophelia? Was she harmed?"

"Despite some unsightly bruising the mistress is in perfect health." Sebastian paused in thought before continuing, "Although I expect this will not be her last exploit with dark forces. I found something concerning upon her person."

"Well spit it out." Ciel was beginning to grow frustrated with Sebastians casual tone.

"She was wearing a silver amulet bearing the mark of a demon." Sebastian dangled the chain above Ciel's outstretched hand, "It seems as if one of our unwanted guests intends to claim her."

"Sebastian," Ciel sat up straight as he spoke, "You will protect Ophelia from any threat using whatever means necessary. I will not allow her soul to be stolen by any demon."

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