11. Dance of Devils

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The manor had been in full swing since well before dawn. The catering company arrived early in the morning with carriages full of decorations and crates of ingredients and cases of fine wine and liquor. Sebastian had been tasked to oversee the hired help and to observe and report any suspicious behavior. Finny, Bard, and Mey-Rin were tasked with providing the event staff with assistance and hospitality. Sebastian hoped that by giving the three incompetent servants menial work that could prevent any unnecessary destruction to befall his hard work. Before long the manor was decorated, delicacies prepared, orchestra tuned and practiced, and everything set to absolute perfection. Sebastian had only one hour to dress his master and mistress before guests would arrive.

Sebastian started with his young charge knowing very well that it would require less time and effort to prepare the young boy. Nina had prepared a navy-blue double-breasted tuxedo for him with a luxurious black silk lining. As usual his young master was unimpressed with his finery and was dreading the upcoming festivities. Sebastian thought the situation rather cheeky. There were many options available to pursue the kidnapper but Ciel having steadfastly decided upon throwing a debutant ball for his older sister seemed to Sebastian a decision based in sentiment rather than logic. Ciel had in fact, been invited to several affairs this season that our suspect would likely have attended. Sebastian mused that Ciel intended to use this ball to symbolize the resurrection of his family name. A grand show of power to bolster his allies and serve as warning to his many enemies.

After finishing with Ciel Sebastian made his way towards Ophelia's chambers. He rapped on her door gently to give her warning of his entry. Much to his surprise (and to his disappointment) when he entered his mistress's room, he saw a gaggle of maids finishing her hair and painting her face with makeup. Ophelia stood in front of the mirror to inspect herself and appeared to be quite pensive. Her navy-blue silk gown accentuated her womanly curves and gave a seductive glimpse of her supple breasts. She felt rather uncomfortable wearing such a revealing bodice and feared the heavy dress might fall and expose her chest. Delicate fabric draped around her shoulders exposed her sharp collarbone and soft, smooth back. Intricate jeweled beading sewn expertly into the bodice and skirt in whimsical designs glinted with the light. Short black gloves decorated her wrists, and a lace choker and ivory cameo broach hugged her neck seductively. Her pale skin glowed in contrast to her dark seductive dress and her delicate face made her near nakedness appear as pure as the driven snow. Ophelia was the Madonna and the whore in the very same breath and Sebastian felt himself growing mad with desire.

"How do I look?" Ophelia turned to the butler and asked embarrassedly, "I'm not sure I'm suited for this sort of dress

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"How do I look?" Ophelia turned to the butler and asked embarrassedly, "I'm not sure I'm suited for this sort of dress."

"You look absolutely alluring, my lady." Sebastian bowed at the waist, "No other could hope to compare to your beauty."

Ophelia flushed in embarrassment as the maids began to giggle amongst themselves. Her heart fluttered wildly as she met Sebastians red gleaming eyes. For a moment she believed that some tender expression lingered on his face, something akin to love and longing. She just as quickly brushed off the idea of the fastidious butler desiring her as much as she desired him. She hated the heat that smoldered in her belly just at the thought of him. The state of arousal left her feeling guilty and confused. Never had she reacted in such a way to any man before him. Not even her college crushes left her feeling so breathless and vulnerable. Being in Sebastians presence made Ophelia feel like a rabbit before a python. He could consume her whole in one fell swoop.

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