5. Phantomhive Hospitality

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Sebastian cast a dark shadow as he navigated the long halls towards the study. Although he could sense no deception from the young lady, he suspected darker forces at work. Her soul radiated purity and innocence, but the scent of a demon lingered in her presence. The bright-eyed blonde was undoubtedly human, but Sebastian suspected that whether she was aware or not a nefarious creature had set her story in motion. He glowered as he pictured her delicate eyes burning holes through him with such audacity. The haughty attitude proved her relationship to the master undoubtedly, no one besides a Phantomhive would stare evil in the face and challenge its supremacy. And the scent of her soul was of a similar caliber to the young Lord. Had he not been contracted he would be more than tempted to devour the young lady.

Sebastian entered the lords private study and found him engrossed with a large stack of documents spread messily out on his desk. Looking at the young lord he admitted that he and the young woman waiting in the salon shared far too many characteristics to be strangers. The angle of their noses, the shapes of their faces, the delicate pale skin, and those intimidating blue eyes nearly mirrored one another. It was more than plausible that Ciel had an older sister but why hadn't she ever been mentioned?

"My Lord." Sebastian called the young boy to attention, "There is a most surprising guest adamantly demanding an audience."

"Why didn't you just send him away? I have no time for petty solicitation!" The boy scowled from behind his quill.

"Well I had tried to my Lord but she was rather insistent that you would be greatly displeased if I did not fetch you." The butler said with a smirk, Sebastian loved nothing more than the Earls irritation.

"Doubtful!" Ciel threw down his quill into the ink pot and raised his eye to look at his faithful servant, "Who does this woman think she is to intrude on my time?"

"A Lady Ophelia Phantomhive is what she claimed." Sebastian replied coyly and noted the shock on Ciels face.

"That's not possible..." Ciel sputtered out with a wild wide eye, "Certainly she's lying? My sister has been missing for years!"

"I could detect no deception from the young lady. Either she is or she believes that she is your blooded relative."

"Take me to her. I must question her myself." Ciel quickly recovered his brooding composure.

"Certainly, master."

Ciel and Sebastian walked towards the salon in bitter silence. Sebastian could feel his master's pounding heart and rushing pulse from where he stood. Very rarely did Ciel have such a visceral reaction like this and Sebastian found it to be most curious indeed. Sebastian opened the salon door for his master and delighted in the excitement of this situation. Ciel stepped into the room and his pulse hastened dangerously as he laid his sight on the elegant blonde posing in the parlor chair.

"Fifi?" Ciel asked hesitantly, "How?"

The woman leapt to her feet and pulled the young boy into a tight hug. Tears lined her lashes as Ciel cautiously returned her embrace. They stood as such silently for a moment or two before separating. Silence overtook the room as both Phantomhives struggled to find words for each other.

"Sebastian, fetch us tea and cakes at once!" Ciel barked to the butler before returning his attention to Ophelia, "I was told you had disappeared in the Americas? I sent so many to look for you and you were nowhere to be found."

"I was told our whole family had perished in the fire and I became a ward to Earl Trancy." Ophelia lowered her gaze feeling immense guilt and grief creep up her spine.

Ophelia and Ciel sat together in the salon and she began to divulge her brother about her isolation and imprisonment at the Trancy estate. As she spoke Ciel grew more and more enraged at every new detail in Ophelia's confession. She could not return her eyes to his as a feeling of overwhelming shame washed over her. She didn't want to upset her young brother with her story, but she knew she had to be honest. She recalled the beatings and her months in solitary confinement after she had attacked the late Earl during his private illicit auction.

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