Mahi Jealous

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The Bell Ring

Ardhana: let's back to seats,teacher can come anytime.
Mahi and Aradhana sat on their seats and Avneet sat in front them and Jannat sat alone behind them.
Aradhana: Hey Jannat you are new so you don't have book, So you can take mine.
Jannat: Thank you (with smile)
Mahi feel a little jealous But she shrugged off.
Time skipped to lunch time
Jannat and Aradhana was talking.
Mahi: Aradhana let's have lunch together.
Aradhana: Sorry Mahi, but mai or jannat library jaa rhe but yaa you have your lunch with Avneet.
Mahi: (sadly)hmm ok you go.
Aradhana and Jannat went together.
In canteen
Avneet:Hey dumbo, why are you looking sad.
Mahi:Avu, you know today because of Jannat Aradhana refuse me to have lunch with me.
Avneet: So what? She is new so Aradhana is only helping her.
Mahi nodded looking down
Avneet: Hey dumbo, are you jealous.
Mahi: I am not but I am angry from her.
Lunch time over and they came back to class
Aradhana: Hey Mahi,Look Jannat is good at sketching see she had made so many potraits.(She was seeing Jannat 's drawing).
Mahi: hmm, its good.(replied sadly)
Aradhana: Hey What happend you are sounding low?
Mahi: Nothing.
Like this day passed and whole day Mahi ignored her.
School over
Everyone was going home but Aradhana pulled Mahi in school hall.
Mahi jerked of her hand in anger.
Mahi: What are you doing?
Aradhana: What happened Mahi from Morning you are ignoring me.
Mahi: Why would I ignore, you  were busy with you new friend.
Aradhana: I was only helping her.
Mahi: By leaving me alone.
Aradhana: What?
Mahi: Aradhana I thought that  Jannat is your best friend now not me.(she said sadly)
Aradhana: Mahi only and only you are my bestie And also I am sorry if I made you feel like this.
Mahi feels guilty.
Mahi: I think I was also over reacting I am sorry too.
They both hug each other.
Aradhana: (wiped her tears)Silly, now stop crying.
Mahi: I am not silly.Aradhana can I call you Aaru.
Aradhana: nice nickname. But what should I call you?
Mahi: Whatever you want.
Aradhana: I will call you Bunny because you are so cute.They both chuckled.

precap: Jannat 's best friend entry.

So guys I hope you like it and please ignore some grammar and spelling errors.

Thank you very much😊😊

To be Continued........

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