Half Yearly Exam 😱😱

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At present.
Zalak: Mahi,We were the group of 5 friends our fate separate us.(said sadly)
Mahi: Hmm, Kitna accha tha na Woh time.By the way Zalak Where is Jannat?
Zalak: I don't know Like you lost Aradhana I also losted my friend Jannat.
Mahi: I wish both of you will meet some day.
At Aradhana side
Jannat: Aradhana I also miss Zalak,I don't know where she is ? whether she is fine or not?
That Incident separate all of us.
Aradhana: Yaa you Remember how we study together day and night for half yearly exams.
Back to story
Time skipped to 6 months and its the time of half yearly exam.
Teacher: So student from next week your half yearly exams will start.So start preparing and work hard.

Mahi,Jannat,Zalak and avneet were roaming here and there in class in tension.
Aradhana enter the class.
Aradhana: Hey why are you all stressed today?
Mahi: From next week we have halfyearly exams.
Aradhana: So what? These are only exams not a big deal.
Jannat: Aradhana it's not the the topic of joke.
Aradhana:Ok Ok calm down.From today we will study hard together,Ok?
Everyone: Ok .
Aradhana: Guys we can do group study and also in this way we can help each other.
All except Mahi: Yes, it's a good idea.
Zalak: But where we do our group study?
Aradhana: At anyone 's home.
Mahi: My mom won't allow me.
Aradhana: So can we come to your home for group study?
Mahi: yaa, Its a good Idea.
At Mahi home
Mahi: Mumma, Today my friends come home for study.
M/mom:Ok, Beta.
Mahi: Mumma Can make snacks for us.
M/mom: Sure, Mera baccha.
Mahi: I love you mom.
M/mom:I love you too Beta.
At evening
All of them knocked on the door.Mahi 's mother open the door.
Everyone: Namaste Aunty,Aunty we are Mahi 's friends.
M/mom: Welcome Baccho.Mahi is in her room you all can go there.
Everyone: ok aunty.
They all went to her room
Aradhana: hello Mahi.
Mahi: tum log aa gye.come let's start study.
Avneet: From which subject should we start?
Zalak: I think we should start from english.
Aradhana: Zalak is right.Let's start with English.
All of them: ok
Like this everyday they do group study and now its there last exam.
They all were waiting for mahi.
Jannat:Where she is exam is going to start?
Avneet:she never get late what happened to her today?
Mahi came running and panting heavily.
Mahi: sorry guys I am late.
Aradhana: don't worry now lets go to class.
Everyone to each other: All the Best!👍👍. They went for their exam.(Aradhana,Avneet and Jannat in same class and zalak and mahi in different.)

After Exam
They all gather in ground.
Aradhana: Guy's how was your exam?
All: It's good.
Mahi: Really these exam are the best exams of my life.
Everyone agreed with her.
Zalak: Finally exams are over.
Aradhana: let's go.
All went to their homes

Days were passing like this.Their friendship was growing stronger and stronger.They always stay together and enjoy together.

Precape: Mahi and Maria.

So guys I hope you like it and please ignore some grammar and spelling errors.

Thank you very much😊😊

To be Continued........

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