Maria 's Revenge😈😈

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Next day

Mahi was going towards the class but someone blocked her way.
Mahi: Ma... Maria y..ou (scared)
Maria: Mahi I want to say sorry for yesterday. (With fake tears)
Mahi: Wha..what.(shocked by her behaviour)
Maria: I realised my fault Mahi.
Mahi: it's okay I am happy that you realised your fault.
And she left from there.
Maria (while wiping her fake tears): You are such a big fool Mahi.You have no idea about what is coming to you.Just be ready😏.
In class
All of them were talking Mahi reached.
Mahi: Good morning friends.
All of them: Good morning Mahi.
Mahi: Guys where is Aradhana?
Jannat: You know na she always come late.
Mahi: yaa you are right 🤣🤣
Aradhana came in class while running and breathing heavily.
Mahi: yaa you again came running.
Aradhana: hmm.
Mahi give her water.
Aradhana: yaa Thank you Mahi.
Zalak: Are You guys prepared for test?
All of them: yeah.

Teacher arrived in class.
Teacher: I hope everyone is prepared for today's test.
All: yes mam.
Teacher: Good and no one will cheat if I caught anyone cheating I will call their parents.Now start everyone.

Test was started and everyone were giving their test suddenly Maria intentionally throw a paper near Mahi 's seat.Teacher was taking a round in class and she saw that paper.
Teacher (shouts in anger): Mahi stand up.
Everyone look towards them.
Teacher: Mahi don't you listen I clearly said in class that noone will cheat.Then what is this?
She asked pointing to paper.
Mahi: (scared and tears formed in her eyes) ma...mam I didn't ch... cheat.I swear th...this is no....not my paper.
Teacher: Then why this paper is under your desk.
Mahi: Mam is not hand.....wr..iting.
Aradhana: Mam Mahi is saying truth this is not her hand writing you can check.
Teacher checked and that is not her hand writing.
Teacher: ok sit down.whose paper is this come out by your own or else I have to check.
Aradhana: Mam if I am not wrong then this is Maria 's handwriting.
Teacher: Maria show me your notebook.
Maria: Te... Teacher this is not my hand... writing (said while shuttering).
Teacher: (shout) I said show me.
And teacher checked and that was her hand handwriting.
Teacher: Maria I give you last warning and you did this now you are resticated from school for 2 weeks.
Maria: But mam listen to me.
Teachers: Come I will call your parents.
Class over
Mahi was crying and all of them were comforting her.
Aradhana: Mahi Stop crying now see everything is alright now.
Mahi was crying badly and due to this her breath got uneven.
Avneet: Mahi Stop crying see your condition is getting worse.Take a deep breath.
Aradhana: here drink some water.
After 15 minutes calm down.
Zalak: how are you feeling now?
Mahi: hmm I am okay.
Aradhana: ok let's go and take rest.

They went home.
Aradhana: byee Mahi and yaa take rest.
Mahi: Byee.
Mahi entered her house.
Mahi: mumma Where are you?
Mahi/m: Baby I wanna tell you something.
Mahi: yes mumma.
Mahi/m: Baby I have to go for a business trip.
Mahi: ok mumma you can go.
Mahi/m: But baby how can I leave you here alone.
Mahi: Mumma I am grown up now I can live alone you go.
Mahi/m: But baby.
Mahi: No but mumma.
Mahi/m: Ok Take care bachha.
Mahi: you also Byeeee.
Then she left.

Precap: Mahi alone at home 🏠

Thank you very much😊😊

To be continued......

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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