Mahi and Maria

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In school.

Mahi was walking happily going to her class. But she saw Maria was bullying someone. So She ran to help her.
Mahi: Maria, Why are you bullying her?
Maria: Its none of your buisness.
Mahi: leave her or else I will call teacher.
Maria in anger: I said just stay out of this or else you have to suffer.
Mahi ran to staff room and call teacher.
Teacher (shout): Maria.
Mari immediately leave that girl.
Teacher: Why are you bullying her?
Mahi: Mam she asked her to give her homework.
Teacher: Is it true Maria?
Maria looking down.
Teacher: Come in staff room.I have to complaint with your mother about this.
Maria: Mam no please.Don't call my mom.Please forgive me last time.I will never do this again.
Teacher: Ok I am giving you last warning.Behave your self.
Teacher leave from there.
Maria looked Mahi with anger.Mahi was about to go.
Maria: Wait.
Mahi (turned back): wha....what ha....happened?(she shuttered).
Maria: What do you think of yourself? Beacause of you Mam scold me today.
Mahi(in fear): bu..but its you..r fault.
Maria: Just shut your mouth and ready to bear the consequence.
Mahi Gulp down and run towards her class.As she was running she bumped with aradhana.
Aradhana(shout in frustration): Can't you see.
Mahi was already very scared she said without looking.
Mahi: I am sorry. Pl..ple..please don't punish me. I a....m so..rry.
Aradhana(worriedly): Mahi you.Sorry I didn't mean it.
Mahi started crying.
Aradhana: Mahi why are you crying. I am really sorry for shouting at you.
Mahi was Continously crying. Aradhana take her to class.
She made her sit.
Aradhana: What happened Mahi? Tell me.
Avneet,Jannat and Zalak went towards them.
Zalak: Mahi why are you crying?
Avneet: Aradhana what happened to her ?
Aradhana: I also don't know.She was running and suddenly we got bumped and  because of frustration I shout at her and after that she started crying badly.
Jannat: Aradhana you should control your anger see she is so scared.
Avneet: She is right Aradhana you should have control.
Mahi: all please do.. don't say... anything to Ara.... Aradhana.I am not scar..ed because....of her. (While sobbing)
Aradhana: I am really sorry Mahi I don't want to shout at you.
Mahi: Don't say sorry Aaru.
Avneet: Mahi anything happened in morning.Tell me.(asked softly)
Mahi: In morning I saw Maria bullying someone (she narrated the whole story).
Aradhana: (in anger) How dare she scare my bestie.
Aradhana stands up and started going but Mahi held her hand.
Aradhana: (turn towards her) Mahi leave my hand today I Will teach her the lesson of scaring my bestie.
Mahi: Please Aaru no I swear our friendship to you.
Aradhana sighs
Aradhana: Mahi take the swear back.
Mahi: No
Aradhana: fine.

On other side

Aleya: Maria how can you leave that girl like this.
Maria: Who said I leave her.She had to face the consequence for make the teacher to scold me in front of everyone.
Shruti: Maria what are you going to do now?
Maria: I am gonna teach her lesson for insulting me.
Maria told them about their plan.
Teacher arrived and everyone get sitted on their seats.

In class
Teacher: Students tomorrow I am gonna take your test so be prepared. So the class is over.
Teacher went from class.
All of them were packing their bags.
Aradhana: lets go tomorrow is test we have to prepare for that.
Jannat: yaa let's go.
All of them leave for their home.  

Maria: Be ready Mahi.I got the best chance to take a revenge from you.I think luck is also in my favour.
She evily smiled.

Precap: Maria 's revenge.

So guys I am back and sorry for not uploading parts from a long time but from now on I will be consistent.

Thank you very much😊😊

To be continued....

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