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SABRINA ANXIOUSLY HELD HER BLEEDING FINGER AS SHE WALKED THROUGH THE PART FILLED WITH GIRLS THAT COULD BE CHOSEN AS TRIBUTES. Sabrina's name was on five slips this year,due to her mother's and best friend's commands.

Behind her was her twin sister Anya. They were both in matching dresses mother sewed for them,the only difference was their hair. Anya had blonde hair like her father,she was her fathers daughter. Sabrina was the copy of her mother. Same stance,voice,eyes,hair. Same passions,same personalities. She was a carbon copy of her mother.

They found their place in the first row and Anya immidieatly grabbed Sabrina's hand. Sabrina squeezed her twins hand and gave a tight smile in a try to calm her nerves.

The smile fell when Sabrina saw Finnick and her older brother,Max in the crowd full of male tributes.

Finnick and Sabrina locked eyes and then she looked at the necklace around his neck. Finnick took the locket shaped in a heart and pressed it to his lips,his eyes still staring straight at Sabrina.

Sabrina let go off Anya's hand and took a silver ring off her finger and brought it to her lips,nodding towards Finnick.

He smiled and winked her way,the smile turning into a smirk when Sabrina's face reddened.

He loved teasing her and winking at her.

Sabrina rolled her eyes and grabbed her twins hand again before facing the stage and watching as a woman in a blue sparkly dress walked towards the microphone that was on the middle of the stage.

"Good evening,everyone!"The woman brightly smiled,but Sabrina saw how forced it was."Welcome to the district Four reapings of the 65th Hunger Games!" The woman had her blonde hair in a bun and make up decorated her face. She looked like a capitol doll. 

She probably was a capitol doll,Sabrina corrected her thoughts.

"May the odds be ever in your favour!"The woman brightly said."Now,ladies first." Sabrina watched with shaking hands as the woman reached into the clear bowl full of female tribute names. She watched as her boney hand grabbed a paper and pulled her hand out of the bowl,carefully unwrapping the paper.

Sabrina relaxed when the woman called out some random girl named Teena. She felt Anya relax as well and felt her hug Sabrina's arm and bury her head into it,hiding her tears from the cameras. 

"Now,the male tribute..." Sabrina tensed again as she stared at the woman who dipped her hand into the glass bowl full of male tribute names."The male tribute for district four is Finnick Odair!"

Sabrina's eyes widened as she looked towards the males,only to see Finnick walking towards the stage with his gaze concentrated on anything that wasn't Sabrina.

Sabrina didn't see the concerned look Max and Anya shared because she was too busy staring at Finnick who had climbed up on the stage and was stood next to the woman. 

Sabrina numbly watched as Finnick shook hands with Teena. 

"The tributes for the 65th hunger games,everyone!" 

As soon as the words left the blonds mouth,a blood curling scream echoed through the yard.

Sabrina screamed out,tears finally pooling from her eyes. She ignored the cameras and ran towards the staged quickly. She ran towards Finnick and threw her arms around him,sobs leaving her mouth.

Finnick was about to wrap his arms around her when two peacekeepers tightly grabbed Sabrina and pulled her off of Finnick.

Finnick felt  Teene speak,trying to pull him from the stage. But instead he stood there and watched with wide eyes and the peacekeepers threw Sabrina on the floor in front of the stage.

A whip hit her skin and another scream left her mouth.

"Don't touch her!"Finnick screamed loudly,which only motivated the peacekeeper to hit her again. Finnick felt Teene's hand wrap around his mouth as his screams at them got muffled and he was dragged away into a large mansion behind the stage. 

The door closed and blocked every noise from outside.

But Finnick could still her her screaming and sobbing.

The Pawn ¹ / Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now