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The tour was offically starting and as soon as Sabrina stepped on the train Finnick dragged her towards the couch and embraced her.

They sat in silence,a fireplace crinkling in the backround. Sabrina nuzzeled her head into Finnick's neck and sighed.

"I'm already tired of this."She mumbled ino his neck and heard him chuckle."Do I really have to read those stupid cards Effie gave me?"

"I'm not sure,but my guess is yes."Finnick said sadly."I don't think Snow would like you speaking from your heart again."

"Of course he wouldn't."Sabrina rolled her eyes."The capitol hates honesty."

"Very true."Finnick hummed in agreement."How are you doing?"

"As good as I can possibly be."Sabrina shrugged her shpulders and wrapped her arms around Finnicks neck."I miss home. I haven't been at the beach in days."

"I know you do,I miss home too."Finnick kissed her head."As soon as we're back,we'll go to the beach every day. Deal?"

Sabrina looked up at him and smiled. 

"Deal." Sabrina nodded and pressed her lips to his. She quickly pulled away and buried her head back into his neck.

"Hey,lovebirds."Margot spoke up from the doorway."We'll be there soon. Sabrina you should probably go into your room and wait for Billie."

"I'm okay,thanks though." Sabrina said,moving her face from Finnick's neck to his chest. Finnick laughed at that and Sabrina's smile got wider at the sound."I'm really comfy. You have no idea what a good pillow Finnick is,Margot."

"Thank god for that."The escort replied."He's twenty years younger than me."

"Never stopped the women from the capitol,did it?"Finnick joked and felt Sabrina tense. She looked up at him,her smile now gone. He looked towards Margot who was frowning at him."too early for jokes about that?"

"I think so,yes."Margot replied and Finnick gulped wehn he saw Sabrina's stern expression.

"So,tell Margot how good in bed I am." Sabrina stared at him in disbelief and bit the inside of her cheek,fighting the urge to smile. 

"He sucks in bed,Margot."Sabrina broke eye contact with him to look at Margot who was back to grinning now.

"Oh,you always break eye contact when lying." Finnick smirked and grabbed her jaw,turning her face back to his. "Repeat that,will you?"

Sabrina stayed quiet and both Finnick and Margot laughed. Sabrina,instead of shooting a comment at Finnick,got up from his arms making him whine like a baby.

Sabrina smirked and turned her back,ignoring his sad whines as she walked out of the room ,down the hallway and into her room.

Sabrina's room was soon filled by Charlotte,Lawrence and  Sadie,all three of them working on her at the same time.  

"Next time I'll lock you in your room after breakfast." Sadie complained."You spent hours with Finnick and left only to make him mad. We're already in 12 and I'm just finishing your hair."She stressed and Sabrina chuckled.


"Just try to stick to the schedule next time."Sadie informed the girl,not being able to be mad at her for wanting to spend time with Finnick. Ever since he came back the two have been inseperable,practically attached to the hip.

"I'll try."Sabrina lied through her teeth,not at all caring the peole had to wait for her to get on stage. All she wanted was to spend some time with Finnick.It's not like Snow can shoot them for wanting to be together after his games traumatized them both.

"Okay,we're done here."Lawrence said once Sadie finished her hair. "BILLIE!"

Billie was immidieatly in the room,a dress in her arms. Lawrence,Charlotte and Sadie were quickly ushered out and Billie calmly made her way over to Sabrina.

"You're not stressed about us being late?"Sabrina asked,raising her brows.

"I don't care about them,"Billie shrugged."If being with Finnick all the time and ignoring your schedule keeps you grounded,I'll only hype you up to continue with it. You seem better than when Finnick left you."

"Because I can't do it without him." Sabrina said with a lovesick smile."So,what do you have prepared for me?"

Billie threw the dress on the bed and straightened it out. Sabrina was staring into a beautiful,silky dark green dress. 

"It looks beautiful."Sabrina smiled at Billie and saw her relax. Billie helped Sabrina undress and put on the silky gown.

"you look gorgeous,sweets."Billie stroked Sabrina's curled hair. "Now,get up on that stage,read off Margot's cards and walk straight off,okay?"

"Would something happen if I spoke off the cards?"Sabrina asked,making Billie frown.

"Possibly. Depends on what you'd say."

Sabrina nodded and let Billie escort her out,the black heels she was put in clicking against the train. Sabrina was led off the train through a crowd of fans and  immdieatly led up the stairs of the stage. 

Sabrina stood in front of the microphone,Finnick on her left side and Margot on her right side. Sabrina looked around the crowd and then up at the large screen with district twelve's tribute picture on it. Sabrina learned his name was Tony. Tony's family was on a podium in front of his large picture. Then Sabrina looked towards the female's part of crowd.

Stubby's family was glaring at Sabrina,despite knowing Sabrina never killed their sweet daughter and sister. 

Sabrina buried every emotion she felt deep down and looked down at the cards.

"Dear families of the fallen tributes..."

Later that night...

Sabrina layed in her bed,Finnick next to her. Her head was on his chest and she was playing with the fabric of his shirt,his hands playing with her hair.

"You were good today."Finnick suddenly said,breaking the comfy silence."I know you probably felt like a robot with no emotion,but that's exactly what Snow wants."

"I just don't want to become a robot." Sabrina honestly said,switching so she layed down on her stomach and put her chin on his chest,watching him closely.

"You won't."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I know you,and you're strong."Finnick gave her a reassuring nod.

"But what if..."She paused,looking down."What if Snow finds a way to brake me?"

"Then I'll be the person that pulls you out." 

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