An Unexpected Meeting.

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It seemed the next few week past by in an instant but from what I heard Elena had began getting more frustrated with Stefan for the secrets be had been keeping from her and Jeremy had found himself in a love triangle with Vicki and Tyler 

I had tried telling myself that it's just a phase he was going through to help him cope with whatever emotion he was bottling up but I knew that deep down he did really care for Vicki but I just hoped that she wouldn't break his heart

every week I continued to send updates to my family plus loving all the letters I got in return about what I had been missing and also one from Draco explaining how sorry he was but how much he wanted to make it up to me

Ginny had told me in one of her letters that Hogwarts was finally almost ready to be reopened despite the few weeks delay and student plus the 7th years were excited to be returning to school to continue without the worry of the war 

Hermione told me that McGonagall was made headmistress which made me smile as she defiantly deserved it and that Harry, Ron and Neville were starting arura training but It didn't surprise me that she and Ginny were heading back 

In other new I continued to work along side Carol in regards to all the founders stuff but I got the feeling that they had been keeping something from me as they had some secrets meeting that I hadn't been involved in

after having a fight with Elena about secrets and Stefan I couldn't deal with it do I stormed out of the house before driving to a nearby bar that I used to go to with the girls during the summer

walking into the bar I noticed Stefan sitting at the bar nursing a glass of bourbon making me smirk as I wondered over to him sitting down beside him

a little young to be drinking alcohol, aren't you" I said putting up my hand signaling to the bartender as Stefan turned to me with a shocked expression

"Emalia what are you doing here, how'd you know I'd be here" he asked

the bartender came over, "Bourbon please" I said before he nodded walking away

I turned to Stefan, "I didn't I used to come here all the time during the summer but I'm not here for you I'm in need of a drink" I said

he settled into his chair again, "why, bad day" he asked

I scoffed, "thanks to you keeping secrets from my beloved sister she is taking her frustration out on me so I figured a drink would help me plus nobody would fine me here" I said 

it was his turn to raise his eyebrows, "Oooo good girl goes bad huh" he asked

rolling my eyes at his question, "my dad would have freaked if he ever knew about this place plus how old I was you know being from a founding family and all" I said

he nodded and scoffed, "Yeah, I know what that is like," he said taking a sip of his drink

the bartender came back over and put my drink in front of me, "thanks, put it on my tab" I said as he nodded before walking away

The next morning.

rolling over as I felt the brightness of the sun cutting through the curtains made in groan in frustration as I woke up the next morning sitting up and looing around before noticing how unfamiliar this room looked 

feeling a slight movement next to me made me freeze in my place, taking a deep breath I slowly looked to my side to see a sleeping Stefan next to me and my eyes widened in shock at realizing where I was 

slowly and carefully I lifted the covers to see that my once clothes body was currently naked confirming what I already knew 

brining my hands to my swollen lips instantly I started to panic at the fact I had just slept with the guy my sister likes but the worst of it was I couldn't remember the past eight hours or so

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