Wedding Revelations.

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Pennyhill Park Hotel

August 21st 2009 - Emalia and Draco's wedding day.



as I walked into the lobby I could hear talking in a room off to the side so quietly I walked towards the room to see Draco and Daphne talking with frustrated looks on their faces

walking a little close to the room I could hear what they were saying and what I heard broke my heart in two

"we can't tell her now it would absolutly destroy her" Daphne said

"you were the one all for telling her after the wedding what made you change your mind" Draco asked frustrated

"yeah but that was before today Draco, I saw how she looks at you and how much she loves you but as much as I don't want to hurt her she deserve to know the truth" she said

Draco threw his arms up in the air, "what that we slept together more than once" he snapped

I snapped back and gasped in honor at this new revelation as tears slipped down my cheeks making Daphne and Draco look towards me noticing me

the looked at me with wide eyes and realization crossed their faces as I turned running from the room

"Emalia" they shouted.


"Emalia" they shouted as I rushed into the reception room

"leave me alone" I shouted back but before I could get through the door I felt a hand grab me and pull me back and I turned to see Draco holding my arm and Daphne standing behind with a guilty look across her face

I pulled my arm away from him, "don't you touch me" I exclaimed

everyone stopped and looked towards us, "please Emmi don't do this now" he said

shaking my head in disbelief, "how can you stand there and call me that after I've just found out you've slept with my best friend" I exclaimed hurt radiating my body

Daphne tried to come closer to me with tears in her eyes, "Emmi please I'm sorry it didn't mean anything I promise" she please trying to touch me

I recoiled from her touch, "don't, don't touch me you don't even know the meaning of word" I snapped

Ginny and my dad came up beside me glaring at the two, "what the hell is going on" James asked

"that's what I would like to know but I'm pretty sure I got the gist of it since they admitted that they slept together more than once" I said

Ginny's face express the shock she probarly felt, "Daphne how could you" she asked

"it didn't mean anything it was a night of weakness during the war when Emalia had gone on the run" she admitted

"how long, how long have you been lying and cheating behind my back" I asked looking at them

"the first time was night you went on the run we were so worried so we got drunk but it was a night of weakness and I didn't mean anything" Draco said

I felt tears slip down my cheeks, "uh so there was another time, when was it" I asked looking away

"Emalia" Draco whispered

"answer the question Malfoy" Harry snapped as he came up next to me with Lily and Hermione

"a few months ago the night the war ended we had gone out to a club to celebrate and it got out of hand" Daphne said

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