Greif and Truth.

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Frustration was all I felt as I stormed into the kitchen trying to stop the tears that had been welling in my eyes as after Damon caught me off guard with his comment about Draco especially with Stefan in the room 

grabbing onto the sink I kept taking deep breath but putting my hand to my mouth didn't stop the sobs escaping my mouth or the tears from slipping down my cheeks 

as I tried calming myself down I felt someone come up beside me and putting a hand on my shoulder

"I don't have it in me for anymore arguments" I said not looking at them

"that's good because I'm not here for an argument" the voice said

turning around I noticed that it was Stefan standing next to me with a concerned look across my face as I wiped my tears from my face, "what do you want Stefan" I asked 

"why didn't you stop what happened last night if you have a husband " he asked with hurt swimming in his eyes

twirling my rings around my fingers as I looked down before looking towards him, "I partly lied before when I said we thought it would best if I came on my own" I admitted 

he looked confused, "what do you mean you partly lied about coming here, does he even know where you are right now" he asked 

I couldn't hold it in much longer and I burst into tears, "he does but I just can't deal with him right now after everything he's done" I said as he pulled me into his side 

"why, what happened" he asked

sobs just kept coming out, "he cheated on me with my best friend and I found out on our wedding and now I married to a man who has broke my heart " I admitted 

the looked of understanding came across his face as he pulled me in for a hug, "I'm so sorry Emalia, he's a idiot for doing that you shouldn't have to go through that sort of pain" he whispered into my hair

"It hurts so bad Stefan every time I think that I feel ready to face him it sinks in even more that he slept with my best friend" said through my tears

"I know it doesn't seem like it but one day soon you gonna be strong enough to face him and get the answer you deserve, just have to have faith in yourself" he said 

pulling his head back he looked into my eyes before placing a kiss on my lips but he didn't pull back and I let the kiss continue which I didn't think I would but it felt really good

it felt like hours before he pulled back with a smile his face as a gently placed one last kissed on his lip before pulling away

"your a good guy Stefan don't let anyone tell you different" I said before giving him one last smile and leaving the room.

A few weeks later

I never though I would say again but it had been an odd couple of weeks since Elena had starting acting really strange and secretive especially when Damon had turned up looking for Stefan who was also acting strange 

Damon showing up had really freaked her about especially when he mention something about how Stefan fessed up about something and that she knew finally knew about the secret that they were hiding 

and when I had asked about it to Elena she confused me even more saying it was nothing to worry about and that it was some stupid argument she had with Stefan 

but something about the way she said it didn't make me believe her but I wasn't in the mood for an argument so I just let it go 

In other news October 31st had come around again like a boomerang plus the doom and gloom that came with this date also came around again reminding me the day my life changed forever

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