Final Goodbyes.

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Mystic Falls Hospital

June 25th 2010


It had felt like ours before Dr Scolly finally came into the room with a somber look on her face making us all stand

"Dr Scolly please tell me what's going on with out son" I pleaded

"Stefan, Emalia why don't you take a seat" she said

"no we will not take a seat, what the hell is going on with our daughter" Stefan demanded

she sighed sadly, " we thought the medication we were giving Ayla had been affected but the infection has gotton worse and it's caused a massive bleed on the brain" she explained

I felt like my heart dropped to my feet, "what you said that this medicine would work you said she would get better that it was just infection" I started rushing out

"I never said that I said that there was a strong possibility that it would work but you needed to be prepared if it didn't" she said

"so what now there's something you can do right, like a stronger medication or a surgery that can help him right" I ask as I looked to Stefan who hadn't said anything yet

my family was just sitting on the sofa listening to the conversation but had tears in their eyes and emotions written across their faces not knowing what to say at this moment

she motioned for us to sit and reluctantly we did and Stefan pulled me to his side taking my hand into his as I squeezed it in reassurance

"we have tired everything we can do for Ayla but after the infection and now the brain bleed she is  just so weak and with how early she was she's isn't strong enough to fight through it" she said

I felt Stefan squeeze my hand, "no are you saying that our daughter is..... what are you saying" Stefan shouted as he stood up letting go of my hand

Dr Scolly stood up with him, "we did everything we could but she's just to weak to fight this, there's nothing else we can do for her" she said

"no there is you need to go back in there and help her you need to help our little girl" Stefan demanded with tears in his eyes as I sat there looking down pain radiated my body

"we've done everything we can Stefan I promise you we have but she's just too sick" she said

"no no no I don't believe that you just don't want to help her is that it" Stefan shouted

"Damon stop it" I exclaimed

James jumped up stepping up to Stefan putting his hand on his shoulder turning to doc, "Dr Scolly please this is my granddaughter we are talking about there must be something you can do" he asked

"I promise you Mr Potter if there was something I could do I would have done it by now but there isn't and now...." she trailed

"and now what" Elena asked she came over to me with Lily and Ginny taking my hands trying to comfort me but if I was being honest it wasn't really helping

I sighed, "just tells please we need to know" I said

she looked down, "little Ayla organs have started to show signs of shutting down we think that the bleed to his brain was just to much for her little body to handle

"OMG" I said bringing a hand to my mouth trying to stop the sobs for escaping but the room just went into silence

Stefan just looked heartbroken and he didn't say anything just walked over to the window and looked out of it, my parents had tears in their eyes as they sat together but not saying a word

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