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Mystic Falls Hospital.


As soon as I hung up the phone I rushed out to my car with Harry, Elena and Jeremy behind me breaking every speed limit all the way to the hospital still feeling the guilty for leaving them both so soon after Emalia gave birth 

there was something about being around Emalia these past couple months as she grew our beautiful little girl that had really affected me but I knew that there was nothing that was gonna stop me from being there for my family

felt like an eternity before I finally got to the hospital before parking up and not letting a minute past before I jumped out bolting through the entrance to the elevator 

it felt like the longest few minutes of my life waiting for the elevator to finally approach the six floor to the maternity ward as soon as I heard the ding I rushed down the hall to Em's room

as soon as I ran into the room I noticed Emalia was sitting on the bed surrounded by Meredith and a redheaded girl, she must had heard me enter the room and jumped up rushing towards me

"oh Stefan so glad your finally here" she said and running into my arms

I pushed my face into her hair and sighed, "I'm sorry I was here Em, I could kill Caroline" I said

she pulled back and I noticed her eyes were puffy and swollen with pain shinning in them but you could see the tears gathering in her eyes

she finally noticed Harry, Elena and Jeremy in the doorway before running towards them and pulling them in for a group hug

"I'm so happy your okay, I was so scared something would go wrong" she said

"Me to but Em there's something you need to know about aunt Jenna" Elena said

Em pulled back looking between us, "what about her she's alright isn't she" Emalia asked

I could tell Elena couldn't look at her, "I'm so sorry Em but somehow Klaus got to her turned her and used her in ritual, he killed her right in front of me" she said

tears started flowing down Em's cheeks with a look of heartbreak coming across her face trying to get her words out but nothing came out other than sobs

before she could finally get any words out Dr Scolly came into the room with a pained expression on her face

"Stefan, Emalia" she said with a small sympathetic smile 

we huddled together as she came and stood in front of us with a clipboard in her hands

Emalia and I stepped towards us, "Doc please tell me our daughter is alright" Emalia pleaded with her

Dr Scolly put her head down before looking back at us knowing it wasn't going to be good I pulled Emalia into my chest

she sighed, "when Ayla was born we noticed she had a small infection but we gave her antibiotics which did clear it up but it's come back far worse than we thought" Dr Scolly explained

Emalia and I looked at each other but looking back to her, "so what does this mean for Ayla, what can you do" I asked

" you can make her better right I mean there are medicines you can give her to help" Emalia 

she gave us a small smile, "we have her on stronger antibiotics and for the time being she's stable but we are going to be monitoring her very closely for the next 24 hours" she said

"Dr Scolly tell me straight what are his chances" Emalia asked with a stern look across her face but I could see the tears building in her eyes 

"I won't lie to to you both but given the fact she's small and very weak doesn't help her but we will do everything we can" she said

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