A Time to Think.

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Mystic Falls, November 2010

One month later


It had only been a month since all of the Esther drama and a lot had happened since then it makes my head spin just thinking about it starting with ever since Elijah left and not returned since and I had been getting closer to Kol

we weren't together but didn't want to complicate things by putting a label on things but we had become really great friends in the last couple weeks and he liked to pester me while I was at work

as for Nik and I, I hadn't really figured that one out yet and we had come to an understand of sought but it hadn't escaped my attention that he had a liking for Caroline

Stefan and Damon were still in denial about the whole originals liking thing and killed Finn after finding some white oak from an old tree that had been turned into wickery bridge which was rebuilt

in revenge for Damon tricking her being the spoilt brat she was took him at which point I didn't even know but later found out if you killed an original their whole sire line dies with them

coming up with a new plan they tried to deceive Nik by giving him only half but he was to bloody paranoid and compelled the truth out of Damon

I'm not sure what happened after that but what I do know is Elena and I currently weren't speaking after an argument after ending all of this she didn't but it did

she claimed that this couldn't end until we had some justice but when I asked her if this was what our life has came to creating more death with death

she said that I couldn't see this clearly as I was too busy cozying up to the originals and I didn't want to lose my new boyfriends

which ending in me slapping her shouting that they had been there for me much more than she had since I had come home and they weren't as bad as she claimed them to be

she just didn't want to listen to reason all she wanted was justice and stormed out of the room and we haven't spoke since

Esther had used the magic of the Gilbert ring to make an indestructible while oak stake using a one that Ric had hidden but also turning him into a dark Ric in on last attempt to kill her children before he killed

but it didn't end well after Ric had killed her she possessed Bonnie before making Ric drink her blood to transition even though he deiced he didn't that before saying his goodbye to everyone

it wasn't until the next we had realized what she had done so started to find a way to stop him from killing the originals or any vampires for that matter

but if things weren't already bad they went straight to worse after had kidnapped Caroline taking her hostage and it wasn't until then we realized that Esther had liked Ric to Elena

before anyone could stop him Nik grabbed Elena taking her back to the mansion and tried to drain her of her blood and according to Damon they overpowered him taking him down giving them enough time to get Elena and get out

when I got home from the boutique they were all having a part involving tequila they tried to get me involved but I wasn't really in party mood and I just wanted to go upstairs

for the first time ever the smell of the tequila was making me feel nauseous and as soon as I got to my room I was rushing to the bathroom to throw up which wasn't making any sense

after I had finally finished throwing up I wandered back down stairs to hear Elijah's voice which had confused me as I thought he had left the day after the ball

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