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"I didn't ask for your help.", she was still in defence mode.

It wasn't surprising. Judging by her reaction at the beach she would have fought you barehanded if she would have had the strength to do so.

Her body was covered in bruises, scars and blemishes. It could have been worse, but also better by a long shot. The only real damage she had taken was the loss of two fingers on her left hand.

Though she seemed to be right handed so she should be able to manage without them. Not an ideal situation but this world called for the ability to adapt in order to survive.

Nothing was handed to one on a silver plate. Not ever. Maybe in another world but the two of you were unlucky enough to live in this one.

Letting out a soft sigh, you shrugged and gifted her a quick glance to see if she was in the mood for jokes. Judging by her expression she was not.

You tried it anyways. If not for her then to lift your own spirits.

"I get it. Many don't want to ask for help even though they are in need of it.", you just said and tested if the ravioli was warm enough.

"I'm not."

"I'd beg to differ but if you say so."

"You had no reason to help me."


"Then why did you?", her nails dug into the dirty blanket that kept her lower body warm.

You watched as veins pressed through the thin skin, making it look like small serpents danced in her veins.

Taking a deep breath, you turned away again and left her without an answer. To be completely honest, you weren't quite sure why you had done it either.

A part of you still tried to convince yourself that it had been due to your father's request. But that wasn't quite the truth. It would have been too easy. And would have made you a better person than you actually were.

"If it makes you feel better, you're not the first person to have luck be forced on them.", you took a bite and immediately regretted it.

The ravioli were a bit sour. Not a good sign considering that canned door was said to survive nuclear warfare. A little pressed you threw the spoon into the pot and reached for some of the military cookies that lay next to her.

All of a sudden her had shot forward. Fingers wrapped around your wrist but the grip was quite loose considering that she was two fingers lighter now.

A dark gloom covered the green of her eyes as she tried to stare you down. Her nose curled a little while her lips moved, dry and cracked like sandpaper.

Up close you had to admit that she was quite pretty. Stubborn and maybe a little too much audacity for someone in her position but pretty nonetheless.

Unimpressed you met her gaze and lifted your eyebrows. Your free hand wrapped around the handle of your knife.

"I'd be careful if I were you.", your voice was calm and not threatening but left no room for interpretation.

Her eyes jumped to your other hand. Metal lit up as you turned the blade to show her.

A low snort escaped her nose. Then she let go.

"Smart girl.", with a grin you shoved a cookie into your mouth and leaned back.

"I did not ask for help...", she repeated.

This time though she did not look at you. Her nails still dug into the blanket and it seemed like she was talking to herself rather than you. Almost as if she wasn't referring to this moment but one that had been too long gone to change the outcome now.

A little annoyed about that gloomy mood of hers you rolled your eyes and sighed deeply. With another bite in your mouth you noticed that tattoo on her right arm again.

"And I didn't ask for your name.", it suddenly slipped off your tongue.

Why hadn't you asked about that tattoo instead?

Her name seemed much more personal. As if you were actually interested in who you had saved.

She looked away, thought for a moment.

"Where are we?", she asked as her attention was caught by a shop sign that had fallen to the ground ages ago and now collected dust.

"I asked first."

She frowned.

"Ellie.", green eyes met your (E/C) ones.

There was this kind of spark in them. Kind of childish confidence that made her almost snobby. But also in a charming kind of way.

Her face had an oval shape. Even though she was as thin as a twig. Even her collarbones stuck out from under that sunburned skin.

Surprised, you couldn't help but smirk.

"That easy?", you asked in a sarcastic way.

Annoyed, she pulled a face, baring the edge of her teeth. They were white. Or at least clean enough to consider them healthy. Dental hygiene wasn't a given in this world.

That made you think she came from a place of civilisation. Perhaps she'd also be able to return to it. Or maybe not.

After all, what reason could one have to leave a place that offered such luxury in the first place?

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?", she asked in a snippy way.

You shrugged and munched on another cookie.

"I didn't think you'd tell.", with narrowed eyes you examined her face. "Or did you lie?"

She shrugged.

"Why would I do that?", she returned the question with one eyebrow raised.

"I dunno. Scared of identity theft?"

"Why would anyone want to be me right now?", she gestured up and down herself.

"Fair.", you swallowed a bite and jumped to your feet. "We're at a mall by the way. To answer your previous question."

A flinch chased through her. Shoulders tensed, eyes jumped through the place, looking for danger.

"Take a deep breath. There are no infected here."

"How do you know?!", her voice suddenly was as sharp as a knife.

Still raspy though. Perhaps this little bit of hoarseness was just natural to it.

"Because I checked. Twice. And took care of the ones that were here."

"You might have missed one."

"Yeah, I don't do that. Not anymore. Wouldn't put my dad through that risk anyway. Trust me or not but you can sleep sound for a while.", you grabbed one of the rifles and shouldered it. "But to soothe your mind, I'll check a third time. Can't be reckless in these times, can we?"

Ellie Williams x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now