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"Hey. Hey, wait up!", grinning, Ellie tried to grab you by the heel while you climbed your way up the hill.

Throwing her a grin over your shoulder, you let your tongue peak out between your lips in a teasing manner.

"Catch me!", you yelled down and started to crawl with all your might to escape Ellie's rage that burned in the green of her eyes.

Pieces of wood and dirt made you slip with your every step. Warm air caressed your face, almost like an invisible hand that wanted to pet you on the head to tell you just how proud you made them.

Short-breathed and sweating all over you managed to make it up to the country road that made its way through trees and bushes.

A single car stood on the side of the road.

"Jump in.", you threw your backpack into the backseat, but grabbed the rifle to hand it over to Ellie.

She did the same but as she wanted to take the drivers seat you pushed yourself into her way with a grin. Confused, she tilted her head, strands of her auburn hair fell into her field of vision.

Your fingers flinched and out of reflex, you reached out to tug it behind her ear. As you did so, your hand came to a rest on her cheek.

The touch of her skin was warm and soft. Your thumb caressed some of the freckles that covered her face, almost like a garland of skin coloured flowers.

Ellie's eyes locked with yours. Shimmering green mixed with hesitant (E/C). And yet they both carried the same kind of energy.

There was something between the two of you but neither was able to put their finger on it. It was something unspoken, something new and frightening.

But not because it meant danger to mingle in it. It was the fear of loosing someone if things went wrong.

A smile made Ellie's lips curl. It was as cocky and confident as ever. She tilted her head and you would have sworn she leaned slightly forward.

The warmth of her breath caressed your skin. She smelled of leaves and wet soil. Like a forest after a rainstorm in summer.

Without thinking you leaned forward and stole a quick peck from her lips. Struck by surprise, Ellie froze, eyes widened.

But the smirk that lit up her face couldn't have been broader.

All of a sudden the confidence faded and heat chased up your head. Embarrassed, you turned your gaze away but couldn't help and give her a gentle push, hand flat pressed into her face.

"Get in, passenger princess.", you huffed and pushed her away from the door so that you could slip into the drivers seat before she could get any ideas.

"I'd prefer to get there alive.", Ellie joked and took a seat.

As the prankster that she was, she grabbed the handle on the door for support and gave you her best impression of how to be frightened to death.

Annoyed yet with a laugh, you rolled your eyes and turned the key. The engine howled and a smell of gasoline filled the air.

Just to be sure you checked all the signals, mirrors and the road through the back window before stepping on the gas. It was a manual, a little harder to drive than an automatic but Ellie has been a great teacher.

The tires started to roll slowly and you stepped on the gas, shifting into the first gear.

"You do realise that if we crash, it's because you're a bad teacher?", you asked with a malicious grin as you threw a glance over your shoulder.

Ellie had her arms and legs crossed, her head leaned against the glass to catch some of the cold that had settled on it. She smiled.

And flipped you off.

You rolled your eyes and returned the compliment. The car stuttered a little as you had to slow down to make it around the curve that was right at the edge of the mountain.

Sunlight peaked out from between the thick blanket of leaves and blinded you. Annoyed, you narrowed your eyes to try and not miss the road.

Ellie reached above your head and pulled down the sunscreen for you.

"As far as I can tell we'll die cause you don't know how to not drive blinde.", she said with a broad grin and kissed your cheek.

It was only a brief touch, barely longer than a second. But it was enough to make your entire body feel like a thunderstorm had struck it.

The beating of your heart chased all the way up to your throat. Your cheeks felt like they were glowing.

Swallowing hard and to fight down the strange feeling of arousal that made its way from your stomach downwards, you clutched the steering wheel and hit the gas.

The engine howled and the car made one quick jerk forward before picking up the quicker speed.

Ellie was thrown back into her seat. A soft gasp of surprise escaped her.

"Hey!", she protested.

You followed the road, only slowing down whenever it took a turn and you had to avoid to not run down the edge.

"We're almost there.", you said and pressed your lips into a thin line, embarrassed how shaky your words were.

What the hell was going on?

This wasn't anything new, your moods had been wavy for the past weeks now. Especially at night when Ellie snuggled up to you to warm each other.

Every time your heart would skip a beat and you didn't know what to do.

Hold her hands, that rested on your stomach?

Push her away or turn around to snuggle?

The answer was hard to find. But what you wanted to do got clearer by the day. And it scared you to admit it.

The car made it the last bit up the mountain, past a metal gate that stood wide open. You stopped, jumped out and closed the gates.

Now the area was shut off.

Ellie Williams x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now