Another mission and reunion

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A.N: Yea so another day another chapter... Been suffering from a bit of writers block in God of Night but hopefully will make some progress tonight. Sorry for the delay.

Ch. 6

When Percy left the hunter's camp he teleported himself to Los Angeles. He figured now would be as good a time as any to find his cousin Nico. He appeared in front of DOA recording studios. Percy was hoping that getting Hades his throne back made it acceptable for him to enter his uncle's domain. He wasn't sure but decided he could just teleport out if Hades got angry. Percy walked into the building and went straight up to Charon who was reading a magazine behind his desk.

"Perseus Jackson, you're still not dead, so what can I do for you." Charon replied after lowering his magazine to examine the demigod in front of him.

Percy smirked, "Correct as usual Charon. I need a ride to the Underworld."

"Your chances of leaving alive aren't very good. Are you sure you want to go?" Charon asked warily.

"I'll take my chances." Percy said as he pulled a small bag of drachmas from his pack. Charon's eyes widened at the sight of the drachmas. Percy dropped the bag on the desk and looked at Charon expectantly.

Charon's skeletal face morphed into a wide grin, "Very well Jackson, right this way."

Percy followed Charon as he led him to the River Styx. They rode in silence until they reached the other side.

"Good luck Jackson. Hopefully we'll see each other again." Charon said as Percy stepped off the ferry and into Hades' domain. Percy walked toward the judging lines until he came upon his first obstacle, Cerberus. Percy decided to skip the games and teleported himself to the gates of Hades' Palace. The minute he appeared, three demonic figures looked down at him from the top of the gates.

"Perseus Jackson, are you really foolish enough to come here of your own free will?" Alecto hissed as she looked at Percy with hungry eyes.

Percy shrugged, "I need a word with Lord Hades. This was the easiest way."

Alecto stared at Percy for a minute before scowling, "It's your lucky day Jackson, Lord Hades has allowed you entry into his palace."

The gates slowly creaked open for Percy to enter.

He made his way to the throne room where he found Hades looking at him curiously. Percy walked up to his uncle and bowed.

"So Perseus, what is so important that you came all the way here to speak to me?" Hades asked.

"I was hoping you could let me know where Nico is. I heard he has been looking for me and I figured it was time to let him know where I've been." Percy answered.

Hades nodded, "Yes, he has been quite persistent in his quest to find you. I assume you don't want to go back to camp to find him?"

Percy nodded and Hades waved his hand. Nico appeared in front of his father and looked at him questioningly. Hades gestured to Percy. Nico's eyes went wide before he walked over to Percy and hugged him tightly.

"What are you doing here Percy?" Nico asked once he let Percy go, a wide grin on his face.

Percy smiled, "Looking for you obviously. I was brought to Olympus last night and just left the hunter's camp from visiting Thalia."

Nico turned to look angrily at his father but Percy spoke first, "All the gods had sworn on the Styx not to mention where I was. But it's been far too long since I've seen my two best friends."

Nico nodded and smiled, "Are you coming back to camp?" He asked hopefully.

Percy shook his head, "Let's go get some food. I'll explain everything while we eat."

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