Trouble Ahead

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Ch. 31

Percy turned and looked towards the army of monsters amassed at the other end of the Field of Mars; they had begun to march forward behind the Titan Atlas. Percy kept his back to his troops and began to march forward. Luke and the army followed him, taking care to stay ten yards back. As they marched the soldiers began to beat their shields again, the sound reverberating throughout the battlefield. When the armies were about 100 yards apart, Percy's wings extended again as he shot in to the air. The soldiers intensified their beating as their commander rose into the sky.

When Percy was about twenty five feet up, his wings stopped flapping and he dropped to the ground. He landed on a knee as he drove both his fists into the earth, shaking the Field of Mars violently and knocking the monsters off their feet.

Before the monsters could recover, Luke led the Army of the Light head first into the stumbling and confused monsters.

Percy rose from a knee and was about to charge until a flash of silver light appeared next to him.

Percy looked at his girlfriend and smirked, "Coming to protect me?"

Artemis narrowed her eyes, "Last time I left you alone, you sacrificed yourself for me. You won't be doing that again."

"I would make the same choice again without a second thought." Percy said as he uncapped Riptide.

Artemis' face softened as her hunting knives appeared in her hands, "I'm sorry about getting angry in the throne room."

Percy smiled, "I wasn't mad, I just know I can't win an argument against you. Now, let's kill these monsters so we can go help the hunters at Camp Half Blood."

Artemis smiled and nodded as they charged into the monster army. The demigods of Camp Jupiter soon reached the monster army as well as the two forces met in an epic clash in the middle of the Field of Mars.

Percy lit Riptide on fire and immediately sought out one of the many Drakons roaming freely throughout the battlefield. Percy slit the throat of Telekhine before his eyes widened. A Drakon stood in front of him with its jaws clamped on the throat of one of his soldiers. Percy's vision went red as he charged at the monster.

Percy reached the Drakon and wasted no time in sending a fireball into its face. He used the distraction as a chance to climb onto the beast's back. Just as he grabbed onto a scale, his eyes widened when the beast shot into the air. Percy slipped Riptide under his knee and used both hands to grab tightly onto the Drakon's scales as it rose higher and higher into the sky. Percy tried to climb toward the beast's head but found he couldn't without losing Riptide.

After a minute, he decided to let Riptide slide out from under his knee where it fell towards the battlefield below. The Drakon bucked and twisted, trying to fling Percy off his back but Percy had a firm grip on the monster's scales as he pulled himself up its back and towards its head. The Drakon's efforts increased the closer Percy got to its head, trying to flip and barrel roll to in an attempt to dislodge Percy. The Drakon made a last ditch effort to dislodge its unwanted rider as it tucked its wings in and began free falling towards the earth. Percy pulled himself to the beast's neck just as its wings sprung out, bringing the fall to an abrupt stop. But Percy had anticipated this and let himself be thrown into the back of the Drakon's head, his hidden blades out as he drove both deep into the back of its skull. The Drakon tensed and began to dissolve.

Percy jumped from its head and spread his wings as he soared over the battlefield, searching for his next targets. As he scanned the battle, he felt his breath hitch when he saw two small figures dressed in silver sneaking toward the battle. A trio of Cyclops had already spotted the pair and were making their way over to the two small huntresses.

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