The oh so great Hercules

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Phoebe stepped forward, "I am really going to enjoy this." She said, a sadistic grin stretching across her face.

Percy put a hand on her shoulder, "Wait Phoebe. This needs to be handled correctly or else we'll be answering to Zeus."

Phoebe scowled, "You promised me I could hurt him Jackson."

Percy smiled, "I need you to trust me Phoebe. I promise you'll get what you want but you have to trust me and let me handle this until I say so. Can you do that?"

Phoebe narrowed her eyes and stared at Percy. After a minute she sighed, "Alright Jackson. I've never trusted a man in my life but I will give you a chance. Do not let me down."

Percy smiled and nodded. We walked up the Heracles who was lounging under a tree, unaware of their presence so far.

"Heracles." Percy called.

The minor god got up and rolled his eyes when they landed on Percy, "I already told your friends. I don't care what they're doing; I will not let you pass."

Percy scowled, "I beg to differ. They are on a mission from Olympus you have no right to deny them passage."

Heracles scoffed, "I care little about their mission from that wench Hera. Piss off before you get hurt kid."

Percy's eyes caught fire and he threw a knife right by Heracles head, barely missing and becoming imbedded in the tree next to his face.

"You have some kind of a death wish kid?" Heracles snapped.

Percy glared at him, "You speak about my mother that way again and you won't be alive long enough to brag about one of your weak accomplishments again."

Heracles eyes widened, "Mother? Hera has no demigods. And it's a well known fact that I am the greatest hero to ever live."

Percy looked at Heracles emotionlessly for a minute before he started laughing loudly. Heracles looked at him confused.

Percy calmed himself down, "Wrong on both accounts there. First, Hera is my mother. And second, you aren't even in the ballpark of being the greatest hero ever."

"Name one hero who has accomplished more than me?" Heracles snapped, his anger growing.

Percy smiled and uncapped his sword, "There are many but I will start with the one you tricked into giving you this sword, Zoe Nightshade."

Heracles laughed, "That little huntress? She was simply a means to end. She was no hero, just a foolish little girl. I will enjoy reclaiming my sword after I kill you. That sea spawn Poseidon had no right to take the sword from me to begin with."

Percy sent a stream of water from the sea to sweep Heracles' legs out from underneath him.

"Those are strikes two and three. Now you've insulted both my mother and father and insulted my friend Zoe." Percy hissed.

Phoebe was itching to put an arrow up this arrogant male's ass.

"This is your last chance to let the ship pass. If not, my friend and I will make sure you never forget our friend Zoe." Percy growled.

Heracles got to his feet enraged, "Now you will die little demigod. I will enjoy seeing the look on that bitch Hera's face when she finds out I killed her son."

A silver arrow flew from behind Percy and imbedded itself in Heracles' shoulder. Percy turned around and nodded, "Now we can hurt him Phoebe."

Phoebe grinned. Heracles ripped the arrow out of his shoulder and pulled out his club. Percy charged toward the minor god while Phoebe began firing arrows at amazing speeds as Heracles tried and failed to block them all. When Percy neared Heracles he lit his free hand on fire and sent a ball of fire into Heracles' chest as he tried to block the incoming arrows. The fire hit him square in the chest and knocked him off his feet.

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