Army of light

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Ch. 28

Percy and Jason sat on small little thrones inside the throne room of Aether and Hemera as they waited for the two primordial deities to arrive so they could discuss what to do with the information they learned from Prometheus.

"You think we'll be able to return to Earth soon?" Jason asked hopefully.

Percy shrugged, "I hope so but I have a feeling we still have some waiting to do. I mean Prometheus said they were planning an attack on one of the two camps in around six months. Unfortunately that means we have close to year before we can go back for good." Percy said sadly.

Jason's shoulders slumped, "Damn it. I just want to let them know I'm alive. It's been six years and every day is killing me."

Percy was about to respond when two bright flashes of light appeared in the two larger thrones. Hemera and Aether flashed in, both smiling at their two commanders.

"Well boys, I take it you have some news to tell us?" Hemera asked warmly. Both boys smiled, Hemera had been like a mother to both of them over the past six years.

Percy nodded, "We captured Prometheus and prevented the capture of Artemis." Percy said, his voice cracking a bit when he said Artemis' name.

Hemera looked at Percy sadly, "Soon Percy, your time to return draws closer. Please have faith that we know what we're doing."

Percy's eyes widened, "We would never doubt either of your opinions milady; it was just painful to see everyone today. We know why we must wait; it just doesn't make it any easier."

Hemera nodded sadly before Aether spoke up, "Please inform us of what you have learned from the Titan Prometheus."

Percy nodded and recited everything from the day from the battle to the interrogation of Prometheus. When he finished, both Hemera and Aether sat in their thrones deep in thought. The husband and wife looked at each other and seemed to be having a mental conversation before they looked back at their two commanders warily.

"The news about the Titans is rather troubling. We must speak to a few of our allies before deciding on our next course of action. Take comfort in knowing your time to return to you loved ones is closer than you believe. Return to your training, we will talk again soon." Aether said before he flashed out of his throne.

Hemera smiled warmly at the two boys, "Good work today you two. The information you obtained is invaluable." She said as she stood from her throne and kissed each boy softly on the cheek before she flashed out of the throne room.

Percy looked over at Jason a little nervously, "Aether seemed a bit unsettled about what we told him; didn't he?"

Jason nodded slowly, "Yea he did but at least he said we're going back sooner than we thought."

Percy frowned, "Yea but if Aether's this nervous then it may not be a good thing."

Line Break (Six months later)

Percy and Jason walked from their shared palace and towards the palace of Aether and Hemera. The past six months had been tough for the two. They hadn't left the White City once and were constantly training. Aether forced them to hone their skills above all others, never taking a day off from training their troops or training one on one with Aether and Hemera. Their power and skills had grown incredibly over that time.

Percy had decided Jason wasn't fit for being his second in command. After consulting with Aether and Hemera, Jason was made co-commander of the Army of the Light, answering only to the two primordial deities and holding the same amount of authority as Percy within the army. After trying to refuse, Jason accepted the role, his friendship with Percy only growing stronger.

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