A New Huntress

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Ch. 22

Percy woke up to a pressure on his chest. He opened his eyes and smiled at the mess of auburn hair spread out over his torso. Instead of moving he just leaned back and enjoyed the feeling of having Artemis sleeping peacefully on his chest. After another twenty minutes he felt her start to stir. Her eyes fluttered open revealing her silver orbs that looked like beautiful crescent moons. The sight brought a smile to Percy's face.

"Sleep well?" Percy asked softly.

Artemis smiled and nodded before she leaned up and kissed Percy softly.

"We need to get to the throne room. The Olympians will want a full recap of everything that happened with you and Thalia in Tartarus." Artemis said softly.

Percy nodded, "I will meet you outside in twenty minutes. I will just go over to palace to shower and change."

Artemis nodded and kissed Percy again before he disappeared into flames from her bedroom.

Artemis headed off to her bathroom to shower as she thought about everything that happened the night before. Percy had managed to get through Tartarus and save Thalia and somehow even walk out with two of her dead huntresses. Artemis couldn't help but smile when she thought about the return of her best friend Zoe. The most painful event of her long immortal life was now rectified by the man she loved.

Her thoughts drifted to the events in the throne room. She couldn't help but feel disappointed that Percy turned down a chance to be a god. She was worried that if he fell in battle he would be eternally stuck in that cursed river. Artemis shook her head; she would go to war against Styx if she had to in order to prevent that. At least now Percy was invulnerable and she was the only person who knew where his new Achilles' spot was.

She was a little surprised she had offered to break her vow for him, especially so quickly. When he showed her his one vulnerable spot she couldn't explain how much she loved the fact he trusted her with his very life and in turn his afterlife.

She didn't regret her decision. No, she was even more positive it was the right choice to offer to break her vow when he turned her down because he knew she wasn't really ready. She would break her vow for Percy, when the time was right, just like he said.

Artemis jumped out of the shower and dressed before she flashed herself into Percy's living room. A minute or two later, Percy walked out of his bathroom with only a towel around his waist. Artemis felt her cheeks redden as she looked Percy up and down.

Percy saw her eyes wandering over him and smirked, "Maybe you should take a picture, it will last longer."

Artemis' eyes widened and her face managed to turn even redder at his statement before she started to glare at him, "I don't need a picture. You already belong to me." Artemis said seriously.

Percy smiled before vanishing from his spot and reappearing a minute later right next to her fully clothed. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her softly, "You're right, I do."

Artemis couldn't help but smile at his words, "Alright, let's get going to the throne room. I want to get back to the ship to catch up with Zoe; we hardly had a chance to talk last night." Artemis said as she leaned up to kiss Percy, "Thank you for bringing her back. You have no idea how much it means to me to have her back."

Percy just smiled and headed for the door. As they walked through the streets of Olympus, many of the minor gods and nymphs were staring at Percy and whispering to each other as they walked by.

Percy looked at Artemis, "Why are they staring at me?"

Artemis rolled her eyes, "You jumped into Tartarus to save one of Zeus' daughters and then you actually managed to fight your way out and save her. They're shocked you're actually alive."

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