Old Friends

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Ch. 26

A figure walked through the shadows of Tartarus, avoiding the watchful eyes of the monsters and other damned beings that roamed freely inside the pit. Things were amiss in Tartarus. Instead of torments, the damned souls and monsters in the pit were training, preparing for something that did not spell anything good for the world above. The figure was cloaked in white but every time he seemed to come into view, he would vanish. Several monsters did double takes at the blur of movement but brushed it off as their imagination.

The figure continued to search through the outskirts of Tartarus. His target would also be trying to remain hidden but the he would find his target, he had to; he promised his target he would.

A quick glimpse of blonde hair caught the figure's attention behind a group of boulders. The figure was about to approach until he looked in the other direction. Coming from the other direction was a group of Cyclops seemingly patrolling the pit as they skirted around the outer edges. The target also noticed the Cyclops and tried to slip back into the shadows but soon discovered he had little options for escape.

A look of defeat crossed his face as he slowly drew his celestial bronze sword. The figure shook his head. His target would most likely survive but would draw far more attention than he wanted his target to garner. Slipping out from his hiding spot, he snuck quietly toward his target as he prepared for the Cyclops to round the corner.

The figure rose from his position crouched behind his target and sent a quick blow to the back of his head, knocking him out silently.

The Cyclops rounded the corner and quickly shielded their eyes from the blinding light that appeared in front of them. When the light vanished, the monsters looked at the area to find it empty, something that confused them immensely.

Line Break

Jason Grace walked sadly through the streets of Elysium watching the happy people bustling around enjoying their afterlife. He sighed, he was proud he reached Elysium but sad that he was basically alone. He had friends who had also passed during the war but his heart ached for the one he loved. He was happy she had survived the war but he wished he had her at his side as well. He missed her kaleidoscope eyes that never stayed the same color for more than a few seconds and her tanned skin that showed the Native American heritage she proudly represented. Now she was most likely immortal and out of his grasp forever.

Jason walked for a while before settling down at bench overlooking a park. Children played in the fields which only made Jason's melancholy grow. He was feeling sorry for himself while they hardly even had a chance to live and were now stuck for eternity as children; never getting the chance to grow up or fall in love. Jason shook his head; at least he had had a good life and managed to fall in love before he fell in battle. He was proud of his death, battling the King of the Giants alongside his father for the fate of the world; a war they had won in the end.

Jason had searched through Elysium for days when he found out Percy Jackson had died in the battle. He heard about what had happened but he still held out some hope his friend had managed to escape Gaia and find his way to where he belonged, a place that was hardly worthy of a hero like Percy. Although he hadn't known Percy for long, he admired the man greatly. He personified everything Jason wanted and strived to be as a hero. Jason chuckled when he thought about the fact he had known Percy twice, as two different people. Both people he had liked and respected immensely. He still remembered their battle with Lycaon and his pack of mutts when they had attacked Lupa and her pack. Jason and Percy had fought together like they had done it their whole lives despite only knowing each other for a couple months. Something they picked back up almost five years later when they ravaged an army of a thousand monsters, just the two of them, delivering the most significant amount of deaths to the enemy.

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