chapter 15

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After washing up Loraine brings her breakfast. Cream soup, toast then curry and Puri and yogurt for desert. And her medicine.
As the light spirit Aalo is a lesser spirit, it's powers aren't strong enough to last more than a day. So the emperor specially instructed the spirits to make physical form of the magic.So every morning after waking up Sylvia has to take her medicine for her to change her eyes.
After breakfast Sylvia takes her medicine. Then her eyes slowly start turning green and eventually turn emerald colour.
Loraine starts helping her get ready. She does Sylvia's hair and ties a cute pink ribbon in her hair. Then carefully chooses a blue dress that sutes her the best. All this time little Sylvia is excitedly telling Loraine how much she is waiting for her birthday celebration.
Loraine listens to her closely but how much she is hurting doesn't show on her face. Yet the princess asks her ," Loraine, why are you sad?! "
Loraine is surprised .
: My!! I'm not sad princess. Why do you think that?!
: I saw!
Sylvia says.
" Saw?!" Loraine thinks in her mind. " Well she is a child , and children can do many miracles " she thinks to herself, then says
: No princess, I'm not sad. I was just thinking that my little princess has grown so much and now she is going to meet her grandfather that she always wished. And would forget me afterwards.
: Whaatt?!?! No!!! I will not forget Loraine!! I love Loraine!!
Little Sylvia jumps up and hugs Loraine. Loraine is so touched with princess.
: Thank you princess, I am very happy to hear that. Princess, before the celebration would you like to go to the store with me to pick your gift?!
She asks
: Gift?! Yes!!
Sylvia says excitedly.
Loraine takes some of her salary then takes princess' hand and enters a carriage that she had called previously.
As the carriage proceeds to the town the scenery changes and Sylvia excitedly looks out the window and tells Loraine what she sees.

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