brothers offer

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There words replyed in my head over and over like a song on repeat the words sounded so similar and easy in my mind.....

How could they ask me to join a man that's so toxic and manipulative a man so evil and cruel.....

"You have the nerve to ask me that question knowing how I feel about the bloodline!"

Jey had looked me in the eyes and I could see the emotions he carried I've never seen him so.....

Scared .....

"Sis please just here us out"

"I won't be controled by him jey I live my brothers for dear life but I won't let out cousin control me"

Little did I know.....

I had went into the match with Rhea as she challenged me the night I had hit her as long as the judgement day existed there was no fair match or game in this world .......

"And the usos have made there way down the ramp to save there sister Josie as the judgement day try to ruin her match against Rhea Ripley"

My brothers had took the judgement day away from the ring long enough for me superkick Rhea and pin her only for her to kick out I had wipped the sweat off my face and did the only thing i could think of......

I found myself in the connor on the ring waiting for her to get up as I speared her landing in the middle of the ring getting the pin and winning the match....

"And your winner is Josie uso!!"

Little did I know this was the match made me rethink my choices my brothers willing to put there selfs in the line to save me from the judgement day.....

I found myself standing in front of Roman reigns the man I hated so much but only for my brothers safety.......

"Listen here this is my deal and my standards nothing will be changed to them"

I felt my voice grow stronger as I became brave to the man no one was to his face had gotten serious as I spoke like he wanted to hit me then and there....


I had interrupted him that was very disrespectful to him

"Shut up and listen I will not join the bloodline but I will aid and help when needed only for my brothers sakes I'm not scared of you so don't think I am"

I walked away from him and made my way out of his locker room and into mine only to met by Dominick Mysterio.....

"Don't you have a mami to be with?"

I will admit for someone so rude and disrespectful he was good looking and his tattoos made it worse...

He had placed his hands above his head and smiled licking his lips

"Relax uso just a simple greeting is all"

"You tried to ruin my match and I don't play nice when you try to ruin my match so I suggest you run to mami before you get a taste of a uso superkick"

I felt myself grow closer to him as my anger from everything slowly took over

He was unfazed it was like he wanted it like he wanted me to get this close to him...

His smile grew even more as he stepped closer our faces inches apart....

"Your feisty and dominant I like that in a women"

"You haven't seen dominant mommy's boy Rhea got a sip of what I can do and keep your shit up you'll get a taste of it to big boy"

My smile grew as I looked at him he didn't seem fazed at all he only looked me up and down and smiled and walked away.....

I felt my face grow red as he walked away the last thing I need is to fall for......

Is Dominick Mysterio.......

pumpkin spice(Dominick Mysterio)Where stories live. Discover now