fighting the evil ones

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I heard the music hit as he had walked down the ramp as the judgement day ran there mouths this was mouths before Dominik turned on his father....

"You know what the three of you made some valied points you also made some ridiculous points to"

Edge started talking his hands as they moved as he talked to them....

"Finn Rey Mysterio and I didn't come back to steal your glory as a matter of fact I came back to teach how to match my glory because I've already had it but your ego got to big and got in the way"

Everyone had laughed as the funny comments came from him it was true edge had reached his glory a long time ago he had a big ego and be damned if you hurt it....

I get it the events are out of order and all over the place but for some of them I wasn't there or anything I was out with a injury threw most of it...

"Now I believe that you you wanna end my career and we're not in my home town we're in Pittsburgh and your right I don't have beth here to watch my back but to talk about your other statement"

I saw it coming here came the jokes and insults..

"I'm comfortable enough of my masculinity to admit that beth and I both wear the pants in our family"

You could hear the crowd with there laughs and yelling to know what edge was a natural at this kind of shit talk...

"A because it's 2022 stop being a cave man your going to be single for the rest of your life and B beth is a badass and Rhea and you best keep your hands to yourself  or your going to find out why she's the glamazon kiddo"

I felt myself grow with a laugh s I watched and listen to the man

"Now presit last week you and I went to war and I beat you so now I'm standing here all by myself  while the three of you are standing in the ring looking all angry and emo cause you couldnt cash My chemical romance tour"

You could see Rhea and Damian talking to one another I swear this man was funny his comments are something else

"Telling me to face my judgment day' whatever that means but guess what here's what you didn't learn all those mouths sitting under my learning tree you didn't pay attention"

He had stepped on the outer part of the ring and that was the sigh for us to get our asses out there and handle business

"Because I didn't come here alone"

Both Dominik and Rey had hit Damian and finn with kindo sticks as Rhea had made her way out of the ring a few minutes later Rhea and Dominik where left in the ring Dom had a kindo stick...

I felt myself creep up behind her as I had super kicked her in the back of her head as she dropped to the matt in the ring as I grabbed a mic....

"Since miss Rhea Ripley and the judgment day' want there maker to fight them how about I make a choice for you guys huh!"

The crowd went wild as I had spoken this was the time to put an end to this...

"How about this me and edge vs Rhea and Damian you want to act all big and bad let's put it to the test"

That was the day that ruined my career that very match is what put me in the hospital.....

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