wishing luck

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Edge was out of the ring and dealing with domain keeping him at Bay as I made my way to the top of the ropes and I found myself flying and jumping to her Rhea when she had kicked me I felt the hit but I also heard a snap and a crack next thing I knew I was in the ring screaming in pain as my knee felt like someone just full on broke it....

I saw the worry on her face but she also smiled and laughed at me as they had quit the match edge had came running to me.....

"Calm down it's okay your okay"

A few minutes later the meds had came and took me away to the hospital only to find out ......

"You fractured your knee in 3 different spots your going to be out for a while 3 to 6 mouths at least don't be one of those idiots that try to do your job with a fractured knee it could end your career....."

A few weeks later I found myself back stage with a knee brace on that was very annoying but it helped with the movement and pain I'm not medicaly cleared to have a match and I wasn't going to test my luck but Rhea and the judgment day' took credit for the match being over and the bloodline were slowly making threw way to the judgment days red list.....

How in the hell am I supposed to save my brothers asses now.......

I felt a hand touch my shoulder I had turned around only to be met by Mr Dominik Mysterio......

"Hey look I don't mean any harm I just came to tell that I was sorry about your knee sucks not being able to do what you love"

"Yeah it dose I wish I could be out there but I'm not cleared to so I'm stuck here watching from afar..."

His eyes had softend the man that was so rude and hateful to everyone had just gave me a look of sadness and a small look of.....


"Well think of this way when you return the whole crowd will go wild because everyone loves you your one of the good ones you helped edge you saved beth you defeated Rhea when no one else could"

"Why are you being so nice just the other day you were saying just how weak I am and how a women can't fight if men"

He had a small look of regret on his face like he was sorry for what he did

"I don't know actually your just different and I'm sorry about that I was just doing but job but I could make it up to you how about we grab something to eat after tonight's show?"

How did I feel?.....fucking surprised....and confused...

"I-i huh yeah sure wouldn't hurt"

His smile was very addicting it was sweet and evil at the same time and fuck me when he licks his lips....

He smiled at me and walked away as he was met with Finn and Damian who gave him werid but picking looks....

Then fucking Roman reigns had to ruin my dad when he started rambling about how people need to knowlage him that when my music hit.....

'save your self' the song fact started playing but had a remix to it....

"Oh Roman when will you learn huh no one wants to hear you sad excuses of why your so mad because people see what they have always seen..."

"Look little Mrs hero comes to save the day like always because she just had to be the good guy to make herself feel better you know what's funny your own brothers chose me over being the hero"

"Is that how you felt when your best friend betrayed you when he took a chair to your back huh tell me something roman who would you be if you never got those belts never had the bloodline?"

The two had went back and forth before he said something that pissed her off

"The only thing your good at is opening and closing for the one and only Dominik Mysterio..."

I felt it the rage everything before I could say anything I had slapped him pretty damn hard

"How about you huh what kind of person pins his family against one another makes a man betraye a Friend he's had for so many years you'll loose your belt Roman it's not if it's a matter of when"

I had stepped out of the ring looked at my brothers and started walking backstage where edge and Beth stood looking at me....

"You got to take it easy kiddo...."

Edge had treated me like his kid they both have snice I helped them...

" I know he just pisses me off so much"

"I know the feeling kiddo but going out there like that while your injured isn't the best idea everyone who doesn't like you will take advantage of that Rhea more than most"

He was right and I knew it but I just couldn't let this man ruin my brothers like that I won't let it happen I promised myself and my family that I would take care of them and I have to even if it cost me.......

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