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His lips were like a addiction they were so soft and smooth like baby's skin they tasted like strawberrys I never saw this coming in any way possible but it did.....

He shoved me against the wall as his hands pinned my hands above my head his grip getting tighter each time I wiggled slowly leaving red marks across my wirst his lips kissed my neck sending shivers down my spine the shivers went all through my body like fireworks......

His hands made there way into my jeans that he had unbuttoned with one hand this man was very impressive with his skills his hands were soft yet had a roughness to them I felt my breath grow each time he made his way closer to my Clit his fingers moving in a slow and steady pace but fast rough at the same time....

My moans got louder as he got faster they were quite with his kisses his tounge could make wonders he could make any women fall to her knees and beg for shit.....


It was the week of the match my ass going out there and taking control of Roman and the bloodline saving my brothers at all cost I will never let this selfish asshole ruin the humanity my siblings have I'm 4 seconds older than jey and Jimmy and it's my duty to protect my siblings even if it cost my career......

I had my gear on as I was pacing back and forth my knee was healed but I still had 3 weeks before I could have a official match so how am I supose to explain to Adam why I'm here dressed to have a match.....

I felt a hand grab my shoulder one that's very familiar as soon as I turned around and looked at them I found myself giving jey a hug hugs are rare from me but they didn't hesitate to return it....

"It's going to be okay sis you can do this"

"I don't know guys I don't think I can do this I mean he's good and the moment I go out there and the match starts my career lays with knee and this job is my life and my carrer"

They looked at me with a small look that was rare to see them look at me like that...

"Hey its gonna be okay sis it written for you to win the match your gonna do it you ca do it I believe in you if anyone can it's you don't let your doubt get to you"

I smiled at them as my doubt slowly faded away my brothers are dear to me and I won't let anything happen to them


His body pressed against mine skin against skin my legs wrapped around his waist as my fingers digged into his back his movements very rough and hard his hand wrapped around my throat as he squeezed each time I tried to go at my own pace he wasn't allowing it I've always love sweet and gentle but this is much more enjoyable...

"Easy princess don't test your luck~"

"Then fuck me harder"

"If you Insist"

He picked me up and threw me on the bed very roughly on my stomach and pulled my hair no he yanked my head back as he pulled my hair I loud moan ecasping my mouth.....

His tattooed hand yanked my waist up as he spoke to me...

"Safe word"


"Good girl"

He made his way inside me pounding in and out Like a fucking object my moans getting louder and louder so loud that he had to cover my mouth with his hand...


The bell rung for the match to start I felt my heart race everything began to slowly come back and realize I'm going against fucking Roman and seen that this could be my last match for a good while.....

pumpkin spice(Dominick Mysterio)Where stories live. Discover now