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Lacey sat up in bed watching Rip as he slept. She was scared to fall asleep, she was scared he would somehow stop breathing. The doctor was able to fix his wounds no problem, they weren't as bad as she thought but she still was terrified. She just got him back and he managed to get himself almost killed. She ran a hand through his hair making him stir and she quickly shushed him making him settle. She leans down placing a soft kiss on his cheek before getting up. She changed into a pair of sweat pants and a sweatshirt before making her way down for breakfast.

She ran into Beth on the way and the two walk into the dining room together, Monica looks at them and then her eyes land on Beths face. Beth was all cut up and bruised from the night before. Lacey didn't have the heart to even bring up last nights events to her sister, she didn't want to force her to talk. Lacey grabbed a piece of toast while Beth tried to eat an orange.

"Gator? Can you make me a smoothie, please?" Beth asks and Gator nods his head asking her sister what kind, "mango with a lot of vodka." Beth says standing up from the table.

"Please bring it to me on the porch." Beth says walking away but stops and leans closer to Monica.

"You should see the other guy." Beth whispers before leaving the room, their dad chasing after her.

"Aunt Lacey are you okay? You look really tired." Tate says frowning at his aunt. Lacey looked at Tate and gave him a soft smile.

"I'm alright Tater Tot, I didn't sleep very well." Lacey says and Tate nods his head going back to eating while Monica stares at Lacey worried.

"Don't question it, please." Lacey says her voice cracking as she looks at Monica. Monica nods her head and goes back to eating as Kayce sighs and looks at his youngest sister.

"You work today?" He asks trying to change the topic.

"No, I worked all my hours this week." Lacey says drinking some water, as she put her glass down her hands shook and Kayce noticed it as did Monica. No one comments on it though, they didn't want to push her to talk.

After breakfast Lacey went back up to her room. Rip was now awake sitting in her bed and she gave him a soft smile, one he returned.

"How are you today? Are you in any pain?" Lacey asks sitting on the edge of her bed next to Rip.

"This isn't the first time I've been shot." Rip says gently and Lacey let out a shaky sigh. Rip frowned as Lacey looked down at her lap and he noticed her hands were shaking.

"Baby, I'm alright." Rip says gently reaching a hand out for her to take.

"What if you weren't? I just got you back." Lacey says tears welling up in her eyes as she stared at Rip.

"Baby I ain't going anywhere, I'm right here. Come here." Rip says gently pulling Lacey onto his lap. Lacey was careful as she straddled him and she laid her head down resting it on his shoulder as he kissed her forehead. She thought that she had felt fear before, but when she saw him bleeding last night she thought she was going to loose him. She's never felt felt that type of fear before.

"I can't live in a world without you in it." Lacey whispered her hands resting against his chest gently.

"You won't ever have to, now lay with me." Rip says gently. Lacey moved to the side of him and under the covers letting him pull her close to him. She rested her head on his shoulder kissing it gently as he had an arm under her holding her close to him.

"Go to sleep baby." Rip whispers gently as Lacey closes her eyes letting sleep overtake her body.


When Lacey woke up she was alone in bed. She felt her heart race and she sat up quickly, she looked towards her bathroom to see if the light was on but it wasn't.

"Rip?" She asks out loud waiting to see if he responded but all she got back was silence. Lacey sighs and gets up changing into a pair of jeans a shirt pulling a denim jacket over it walking out of the house. It was a nice day out, a little cloudy but it wasn't cold, she took a breath before walking towards the pens. She found her brother working on Tates horse and she walked over standing by Monica.

"You doing better? You slept all of yesterday." Monica says gently and Lacey nods her head.

"Yeah, just didn't sleep the night before." Lacey says quietly.

"If you want to talk about it, I'm here." Monica says and Lacey gives her a thankful look before her eyes landed on Rip who was talking to her dad.

"You two back together?" Monica asks her eyes landing on the wrangler that owned Lacey's heart.

"Yeah, but still learning how to get back into it." Lacey admits and Monica nods her head knowing exactly what she was talking about.

"He better not steal my spot as Tates favorite." Lacey says watching as Rip talks to Tate, her heart melted when she watched him fix Tates jacket.

"He won't, Tate likes you more than me and I spent twelve hours of labor with him." Monica says making Lacey laugh lightly at her words.

"He'll make a good father." Monica says and Lacey felt her cheeks heat up from Monicas words.

"Not for at least five years, I'm only twenty four." Lacey says and Monica smiles at her.

"You're gonna be a good mom." Monica says quietly and Lacey couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you." Lacey whispers before walking over towards Tate and Rip.

"Hey darlin." Rip says smiling at Lacey, Tate turning to greet his aunt as well.

"Tate why don't you go wash up for lunch, I'll join you and your mom soon." Lacey says gently to Tate helping him get down from the fence. She smiles watching him run to Monica and Lacey couldn't help but think of what life would be like when she had kids.

"You left." Lacey says turning to Rip the smile falling from her face. Rip sighs and nods his head glancing away from her.

"I don't want to get used to it. Sleepin in your bed." Rip admits and Lacey frowns at his words shaking her head. She grabs his hand in hers making him look at her.

"No more breaks, that's what we promised each other. I meant it Rip." Lacey says seriously.

"Okay." Rip days nodding his head and he leans over the fence kissing her forehead gently.

"Now no more leaving a girl in the middle of the night, it's rude." Lacey says making Rip chuckle at her words.

"Yes ma'am."

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