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"You want me to homeschool Tate?" Lacey asks as she sits in Kayce and Monica's bed. Monica was laying down, to sore to move. Originally the two were supposed to go get breakfast and take Tate school shopping but instead Monica called Lacey and told her to come into her room to keep her company.

"Better than your dad." Monica says looking up at her friend.

"You do know I still work right? I just pick up shifts now get paid double." Lacey says and Monica nods her head letting out a sigh.

"Have these sheets been cleaned since the last time my brother slept with you?" Lacey asks her nose crinkling up in disgust at the thought.

"Yes." Monica says. Lacey mumbles a good under her breath before pulling the covers over her legs.

"You don't want to homeschool Tate, he'll have no interaction with people his age. He's gonna become a weird person." Lacey says not liking the idea of Tate never leaving the ranch. She always thought it was silly to homeschool kids, how were they supposed to gain social skills of the world if they're with their parents twenty four seven.

"True, it was Kayces idea not mine. He wants your dad to teach him."

Lacey laughs at the thought of her dead trying to teach Tate math. She couldn't even imagine her dad lasting twenty minutes before he walked away frustrated.

"Why do you listen to my idiot of a brother?" Lacey asks still laughing lightly at the thought of her dad teaching Tate.

"Because i love him." Monica groans into the pillow.

"Do I want to know why you're so sore?" Lacey asks and Monica shakes her head. Lacey had to hold back the gagging she wanted to do so instead she just thought Monica worked out to hard and that was why she was sore.

"Rip didn't come home last night, said he was workin. Do I question him?" Lacey asks again.

"He's not cheatin, man's head over heals in love with you." Monica says quickly. Lacey shakes her head, she knew Rip wasn't cheating on her, he wasn't that stupid.

"No I know I'm just sayin..." before Lacey could finish her phone started to ring. Lacey grabs her phone from the bedside table to see Lloyd calling her, Lacey frowned and answered it quickly.

"Lloyd? Why you are you calling me is Rip okay?" Lacey asks concerned.

"He's fine, Lacey we need you at the barn. Teeter and Colby got hurt, Teeters bad." Lloyd says.

"I'll be there in a minute." Lacey says rushing out of the bed.

"What's happening?" Monica asks worried.

"Teeter and Colby got hurt." Lacey says rushing out of their room and running towards the barn where there were trucks parked outside.

"What the hell happened?" Lacey asks rushing over to Teeter who was shaking and clutching onto a blanket. Lacey frowns when she saw a large gash terribly stabled on her head. Lacey was quick to pull off her button up handing it to Teeter to wrap around herself.

"Two rouge cowboys, stampled over us in the river. Tried to drown us." Colby explains to his friend as Lacey looks Teeter over.

"Someone call the vet. She could have a concussion." Lacey says quickly. Teeter gives Lacey a thankful smile as she puts on her button up.

"You're going to be okay, I take it Colby did the staples?" Lacey says gently. Teeter nods her head and Lacey sighs.

"I'm gonna have to stitch this up, it's going to hurt." Lacey says glancing at Rip.

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