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"Seonghwa, find Min Yoongi, what's he doing today?" I asked the next morning. After our return, Jin and I had gone to sleep pretty quickly, not because our strength had been sapped, which it hadn't, but emotionally it had really taken a lot out of us. I liked Yoongi a lot, but I was just glad that we only had one more visit with him before we moved on to the next. He wasn't a witch, so I would have a hard time explaining the time I used to save him to my parents, then again, they were demanding that I finally take the lead, so who were they to question me?

We all sat in the living room after I reported to the others, Seonghwa at the laptop as usual, where he now typed the name into the search bar.

"Min Yoongi, underground rapper from Daegu, has made a name for himself there, occasionally releases free songs on Soundcloud... lives a modest life alone, hardly any friends, writes a lot of diss tracks about his mother... They call him the Korean Eminem who won't get famous..." he informed us after reading through a bit. I sighed in disappointment, so we had to go again, he had to get away from his mom....

"Jongho, tell me the date," I asked our youngest.

"07.11.2010. 14:09" was the short answer, but that was enough for me.

"Take me with you again, I have to help him." Jin asked me sternly and I agreed, it was only logical that he came with me, after all Yoongi trusted him. So I took his hand and we were already in the time limbo, as I secretly called the short journey... I had clearly been watching too much Star Trek. Then we stood in front of the house where I had found the crying little boy years ago, but this time it was louder than then. Angry voices came from the house as suddenly a burning book was thrown out of the window and landed in the front yard. Jin made a strong gust of wind appear to put out the fire after we heard Yoongi's pained "No, my texts." Maybe there was still something to save.

"You're supposed to focus on school, damn it.... Music won't get you anywhere, do you want to die a poor bastard like your grandmother?" I heard his mother yell, which made my eyes widen in shock.

"She didn't say that now..." Jin was visibly pissed off.

"Ma, music is my life, at least I'll be happy with it." Yoongi replied to her, crying. Once again, this family managed to make my heart ache.

"Why aren't you like your brother? He's studying and you're failing course after course," she accused him.

"Why should I make an effort, you don't have the money to pay for both of us to study, you've put everything Halmoni left us into Hyung's university fees. There's nothing left for me." Yoongi sounded so desperate.

"Oh, and you can't work yourself and earn money for your studies? You're lazy Min Yoongi... think about your situation, I'll lock you in this room until you come to your senses." With that, we heard a door slam.

"I've heard enough, let's get him out of there." Jin said and I nodded. Jin picked up the book, which was no longer on fire, while I teleported Yoongi from his room to us. He looked at me in shock, but then he pulled me into his arms... For the first time, he was taller than me.

"Noona... I knew you would come." he cried in the embrace and I stroked his back reassuringly.

"We're taking you with us now... No one is going to hurt you anymore, ok? Everything will be fine from now on." I comforted him gently.

"Yoongs, what do you want to take with you? Remember... we're not coming here anymore." Jin asked and Yoongi noticed his book in Jin's hand.

"Just this... And maybe something to wear." Yoongi then said.

"Ok, sit back there at the bus stop and wait for us, we'll get your stuff." I said and he did as I said. Then I went to the house and rang the doorbell. His mom opened the door for me and sucked in her breath in a huff as I pushed her aside and ran past her into the house, Jin always trailing behind me.

"Yah... excuse me..." she started, but I cut her off with an icy voice.

"No, I'm not excusing your behavior, I've had it up to here. I should have taken him away from you after he was born," I snapped at her, causing her to stand there with her mouth open.

"We're taking him now, you've had enough chances." Jin informed her and with that we went into his room and threw all his clothes into sports bags that had been in the cupboard. At the end, I packed a picture album with Halmoni on it and then we left.

"You can't do this, I'll call the police!" Mrs. Min shouted and Jin laughed.

"Yoongi is of age, what are they going to do? He's going voluntarily, so have fun at the police station." Jin said and splashed a load of water on her face. She nagged after us, but we didn't really care.

"Where are we going now?" Yoongi asked.

"To Seoul... I'm studying there right now, not much longer and I'll be discovered for entertainment and so will you. You're going to be my roommate now, I just have to tell myself about it first." Jin laughed.

"What are you? How did I get out of my room?" Yoongi then asked us curiously and I glanced at Jin.

"He'll find out anyway..." the older boy said and I nodded.

"We're witches and we're here to protect you and put you on the right path and... the Jin you're going to is the same as me... Just your age..."

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