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"You're accepted, Hobi," I told him, and relieved, he threw his arms around my neck, hugging me so fiercely that I just managed to brace myself against the wall, otherwise we would have fallen over together. Giggling because he was so cute, I tried to keep us upright as he broke away from me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. At first I didn't understand what was going on, running my fingers over my lips as his eyes grew wide.

"Oh God... Noona, I'm sorry, I just got so overwhelmed with joy and didn't think." he immediately apologized contritely as I still stood there motionless, staring at him.

"Noona?" he looked at me in horror, seeming to bitterly regret his exuberance as his mouth now formed a heart, which snapped me out of my state of shock. Damn, this would have been the perfect opportunity to transfer my magic to him. But now I had other things to worry about, because he looked like he was about to cry.

"Hobi, no, it's fine, I was just surprised... it was just an innocent kiss... You see, nothing happened..." I tried to calm him down, but he was breathing faster and faster, he seemed to be having a panic attack... who was surprised, all the tension today and then he thought he had kissed me against my will, when it was actually nothing compared to what Namjoon had done. I put my hands on his cheeks and forced him to look at me, already seeing the tears glistening in his eyes, before I breathed a little kiss on him too, blowing a small stream of magic at him. As I pulled away from his face again, I saw something flicker in his eyes. We had found the second one...

"It was just a little kiss.... and I gave it back to you." I smiled encouragingly, while his gaze became more and more astonished.

"Noona... did you just wish that I would kiss you again when I'm a few years older?" he asked confused and now it was my eyes that got big... why was he a telepath now of all people, I hadn't shielded my thoughts...

"I'm a witch?" he half shouted and I put my hand over his mouth in horror.

"Shh... don't say it like that... Come on, we're going back and you should discuss this with your parents. You're not just some witch, you belong to one of the twelve royal families and are therefore a member of my coven," I explained to him quietly on the way out.

"But, how do you know what I'll look like when I'm older and why can't I see what you think now?" he asked me and I was glad he hadn't seen everything, his power had only just awakened, he only got bits and pieces... Of course it had to be the most embarrassing ones.

"Because I'm from the future... I'm actually younger than you..." I told him and he stopped.

"You're not older at all? that means... I have a chance?" he asked, beaming, and I melted again.

"Hobi, you've only just met me, I had to cast a spell on you today with a lot of pheromones... what you're feeling right now isn't real..." I was sorry to have to explain this to him, but he shook his head sulkily.

"No, I can tell real feelings from fabricated ones... when I hold your hand, or when our lips touched... I saw everything sparkle around me, it feels like I belong by your side." he contradicted me.

"I gave you magic when I kissed you... that's where the sparks came from." I explained, sighing.

"But... it was like that the first time we kissed..."

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