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I walked through the hallway conflicted with my own thoughts, but I'm not in the mood to elaborate that...

Suddenly I end up finding a room that I have never seen before... Wait, how didn't I notice that? It doesn't have something written in it unlike the other doors I saw for some reason.

I open the door and find a very weird machine... well that's new, I didn't remember THAT around here.

I checked the room, noticing desks with paper sheets that had A LOT written down... but alongside that there was a board with weird photos and sticky notes written with words like Alternate Universes, Timelines and stuff like that...

In the middle of where all points seemed to connect had a photo of the same machine in the room, a sticky note by the side of the photo was written 'THE GREATEST REALITY TRAVEL MACHINE EVER!!'... Whoever made it is going insane.

I stared at the machine and it was simple in looks, a big white metallic cube that had a door in the middle, but what caught my attention was the screen connected to the middle of the door with a keyboard on the side.

I went to check the computer and it's still functioning somehow... the screen started to show some text.

'Hello! Welcome to Alternate Reality Traveler! (Also known as A.R.T.) ver 1.5' That's what i read.

Below were options being 'Start Program' and 'Details', of course I went to see the details.

'With a lot of hard work and prototypes, I was able to create a machine that allows people to travel through parallel worlds without corrupting any timeline of our own!
(Disclaimer: it is still recommended to take cautions when using the machine as it can result in situations like getting lost in time and space)'

That's what I read; there's still way more pages to view, but I might do it later.

I got off the page and directed to the 'Start Program' option, but instead of pressing enter to confirm I just zoned out and stared for a moment instead...

... I decided to check the papers on the desk instead.

Taking a look at the various paper sheets, I realize it was apparently reports of visits to realities that the machine's creator did, some seemed regular enough while others were too hard to believe...

Weirdly enough I couldn't find the name of the person that did all of that, C'mon that should be somewhere-


... I end up hearing something falling and making a clicking sound.

Looking at the noise source I saw it was a plastic bulb that had fallen from the room's roof, it hit the keyboard and the machine started to make weird noises... oh CRAP IT TURNED ON THE MACHINE-

Suddenly the door of the machine opened with a cyan portal inside which started to pull everything inside the room.

"Oh nononono- OH NO OH NO!" I immediately got into panic and tried to grab onto something, but the effort was in vain as I started to slip with the strong force pulling me.

Before I was completely dragged to that portal I screamed my last words...


After that, everything went white for me...



... Huh

ESCAPING REALITY [An ii fanfic about AUs]Where stories live. Discover now