- Chapter 5 -

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Some time passed and I failed to look at my watch.
I wondered how much money the U.A. had to have at its disposal each year to be able to see and, above all, hear everything from just one checkpoint.
Countless cameras and microphones must have been installed on the site.
An expensive undertaking, but it was the best way to let the students work.
As I flicked through the views, I saw Present Mic looking into the camera and giving a thumbs up. The sign.
'How did he know which camera I was using?
I tried not to think about it and decided to wake Mr. Aizawa.
The chair cracked as I turned to face him.
"Mr. Aizawa?"
No response.
"Mr. Aizawa?" I asked a little louder now.
There was a snore in response.
What should I do? Throw something at him? But that wasn't proper. Roar? Not right either.
Instead, I decided to crouch down on the floor and touch him on the arm.
Again, no reaction.
'What kind of deep sleep is he in?' I gripped him tighter.
Before I knew it, he had my wrist in his grip and was pulling me to the side. I still don't know how he was able to pull his arm out of the sleeping bag and grab my hand so quickly.
I lost my balance from the shock and the uncalculated pulling of my arm and landed badly on my knees. My head almost collided with his head and I looked up.
His face was close.
Too close for my liking.
I scrutinized him for a moment. His eyes were bloodshot and stared into mine. Piercing and cold. But something was different.
The pupils.
They lit up red and I watched as his hair floated gently and wavy in the air.
'The specialty'.
I heard and felt his accelerated breathing and even I was gasping for breath. He smelled ... different... but I couldn't tell what it was.
My senses felt dazed. It was intoxicating. His body heat radiated and goose bumps spread.
We looked at each other for a small, long eternity and Mr. Aizawa's pupils gradually turned dark brown again. His hair also fell down and back into his tired face.
"Are you hurt?" he asked, his expression becoming serious and worried.
"If you let go of me, I can check my wrist and knees".
He let go immediately and apologized.
I noticed a burning sensation on my knees when I stood up again. My fingers stroked my jeans and I noticed a hole on one side. There was a scratched knee peeking out, but no blood.
"You need to go to Recovery Girl."
"Later. It's all good and there's still time until after the rescue mission."
"Are you sure?"
Quietly, I said yes. He began to peel himself out of his sleeping bag, put it back behind the desk and took one of the two chairs.
"Please put your legs up here." I refused but he insisted and I did as instructed.
Well, now both chairs were occupied and I felt really strange.
With a wave of my hand, I indicated that it was time to go and decided to keep quiet from then on. He stood diagonally behind me, his eyes fixed on the monitors.
"I'm not sleeping well."

Silence didn't work so well.

"Excuse me?" I looked at him.
"I don't sleep well. What's more, my job as a pro hero and teacher is very strenuous and stressful. It was quite surprising that I was woken up like that. I wasn't expecting it and I'm immediately on combat alert," he apologized but avoided looking at me, "out of self-protection."
"That's all right: I can understand the circumstance and I'm fine," I paused and followed up, "You're Eraserhead."
He nodded and his eyes turned to me, exhausted.
"You got out years ago. I remembered when I saw your specialty just now".
"There were circumstances that made life as a superhero pointless for me - instead, I decided to help by becoming a teacher"
"That's a big step"
"It is," he muttered, "but if my help is needed, I'll go into action." He looked at the screen again.
"What's your specialty?"
"Didn't the principal tell you?"
"He likes to leave it to the person themselves to show".
I smiled, "Then I'll keep it to myself for now."

Mr. Aizawa walked over to my chair, leaned over the desk and pressed a few buttons. The camera switched to another training area where there was currently no one.
He was too close.
"After the rescue mission - you and me for trial training. The students are watching."
"You're serious?"
"Of course," he said dryly, and now I could hear a certain arrogance.
"Mr. Aiza-" I tried to add.
"Shota. You can call me Shota."
He stood back in his old position and looked at me questioningly.
'A fight? With a superhero in the pro league?'
Surely he'll hold back, otherwise I wouldn't know how else to show off my specialty. And my knees hurt too, but I didn't want to begrudge him success.
"Shota-" I paused and looked deep into his eyes. I twisted my supposedly friendly smile into a cheeky grin, "-you lose."
He raised his eyebrows and looked at the monitors again.
I had never seen this fighting spirit before. But it invigorated and motivated me.
After a short pause, I also turned around and planned a suitable strategy.

I would have loved to have seen the little smile he wore.

A few lessons went by and the students did a mediocre job.
While Shota and I switched camera views to look at each student, he explained their names and specialties to me.
"Izuku -," I began my assessment, pointing to my very messy notes with the cap of my pen. "I know what he's thinking and how he wants to do it, but he's going about it all wrong. I have to commend Ochako and that boy with the great hero name -".
"Red Riot."
"- Exactly. He's too rough with you but at least he finds the right words."
He processed my statements, nodded in agreement, and we pondered the students for a few more minutes when I switched to a boy with spiky blond hair.
The boy from earlier in the hallway.
"Katsuki is a threat to himself and others," Shota anticipated, "His temper is quite appropriate in battle, but he scares people more than he helps them."
"I see."
A loud, shrill bell outside signaled the end. Just over the allotted time, the rescue mission was finally accomplished and the students gathered for the resumé.
Present Mic welcomed us and showed us to our seats.
"Anna, would you like to start?" asked Shota.
"No no," I smiled wickedly and gestured to him with my hand to start, "Take a breath first".
The class shuddered at these words and stood at attention.
Without pausing for breath, he let it all out and listed the minor to major mistakes. It may have looked like small things, but it can make such a difference in saving lives.

When it became quiet, they knew that the lecture had come to an end and he looked at the pupils. Without any reaction from the children, he nodded and returned to his old seat.
Annoyed, he crossed his arms.
I couldn't quite figure him out yet, because as calm as he was, rational and logical, he could get emotional.
I decided to step forward and with each step I felt the pulsating spots on my knee. "Hello 1-A, My name is Anna Hayami and I am your new teacher for social studies and the healing kitchen".
"Healing Kitchen, Ms. Hayami?" asked a tall boy with glasses. That had to be Tenya.
"Correct. I'm here to tell you the most important things about nutrition, tinctures, creams and remedies that are beneficial for your recovery and prevention." A murmur went through the class. It could be seen as approval for the cause as a bubble was added to this murmur.
"Mineta, pull yourself together!" shouted Tenya, pushing him backwards.
He was small, had - I was unsure - balls in his hair and a nosebleed. A lot of nosebleeds.
Shota had told Mic and me about a lecher in the class.
"Listen, you guys are doing well. Your drive is very enviable, yet you must not work to protocol. In this case, try to put yourselves in the victims' shoes. A "are you okay" is completely inappropriate and can be misunderstood because they are in a predicament and are not okay.
Secondly, a confused sounding man should still be given sufficient attention. Who knows whether he has been injured in the head and is talking like this? Who knows who of his relatives is still in the house, what he wants to tell you. You must give them the credence they need from you.
Third, prioritize in three categories. Green, yellow and red.
I don't think I need to explain this to you. This procedure will help you when it comes to having and maintaining an overview during the evacuation."
I used the time to list more points. The students' heads seemed to be getting heavier. Even though they were doing their best, it wasn't good enough. Not yet.
"Don't hang your heads. This was your first rescue mission. You'll get more chances and you'll grow from it, understand?"
The students nodded eagerly.
Katsuki kept a generous distance from the group, his arms crossed. He had that look again.
As if he was looking right through you, his eyes were so empty.
I thanked him and made room for Present Mic, who, in typical excited fashion, announced the trial match between Eraserhead and me.
Aizawa looked straight ahead and seemed to be in thought as I joined him.
"Well said"
"Thank you," I squinted over at him.
What was he thinking about?
Was he thinking about a strategy? Was he bored?
"What did I miss, huh?" asked Present Mic a few minutes later, staring at us.
"What do you mean?" asked Shota, bored.
"That you're on first name terms?!?!". His eyes widened and he expected an answer.
"It's more pleasant this way". I held out my hand to him, "I'm Anna."
"Hizashi," he clicked and gave an air kiss.
"Stop with the nonsense," came from Shota and he gave him an appropriate blow to the head.
"Ouch, I was just trying to be a gentleman!"
"What you want never ends well," he said boredly and walked away in front.

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