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It was 10PM and i finally got some time for a break. Today was agonizingly long and I just wanted to go home, take a long shower and watch a series maybe.

That was until another patient came in. Covered in blood.

Screams of the person's possible relatives filled the room. There was chaos outside infront of the hospital. I couldn't see the face clearly but I guessed the person is probably really famous.

They took the patient straight to the ER (emergency room) and I got called. I knew break time was over before it even started.

The condition of the patient wasn't much critical. But he got in a car accident. When I got his name, my whole body froze. I physically couldn't move. I just stood there and watched the nurses prepare everything for the emergency surgery.

"This can't be"

Infront of me was Thailands biggest star. My ex-best friend. My first love.



The entire time was I sweating and nervous what if I do something wrong that'll cost his life? What if I can't save him?

The surgery was successful and over around 5AM. I was exhausted and jammed. I really needed a break.

Gemini was transferred to a VIP room in the hospital on the top floor and heavily guarded with men who could send me in the ER if I make one wrong move.

Only me and a couple of nurses were permitted to enter the top floor since we we're the ones treating him. I got in the room and there he was. Lying on the bed as if he was fighting with his last breath.

I felt a little ache in my chest- Stop. I shouldn't be feeling this way. It has been 7 fucking years and he never contacted me. I guess fame really do change people.

I leave the prescription on the side table and sit on the sofa. And before I knew it I was knocked out. By the time I woke up it was already 8AM.

I was supposed to leave but I'm in charge of Gemini so I can't really leave. The authority asked me to specially treat him and give all my time to him. And I was not liking this one-bit. But it's my job. Whether I like it or not, I really don't have a choice.

I drifted away in my thoughts until one of the nurses came in to change his clothes. So I took this time to go and eat something. Probably also take a shower. But just as I was about to take a bite of my dryass-hospital-smelling-sandwich, I got a call from the VIP room saying it was an emergency.

It doesn't take a genius to guess what was going on. But nothing could've prepared me for what I was about to see.



ALRIGHT SO THIS IS MY FIRST EVER WATTPAD STORY I HOPE Y'ALL LIKE IT. And I'll try to update as frequently as I can. I also apologize for the grammar mistakes.

It may be a bit boring a first few chapters BUT DON'T WORRY WE'LL GET INTO THE STORY SOON.

jub jub🤞‼️

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