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I came back home, unable to shake off the guilt that was eating me alive. I knew I had to clear the air between us and fix the mess I made.

But it was getting impossible to do so with Fourth completely ignoring me. He came twice a week around midnight to restock the fridge but I would be already asleep by then.

He was supposed to come in tonight. So I stayed awake. I sat in the living room waiting for him to come. It was already 1AM and I was forcing myself to stay awake, hoping to catch Fourth and explain my side.

I was deep in my thoughts when I heard his car engine stop, which means he was here already. I got excited and walked to the door and saw him with bags in his hands.

He looked shocked to see me, still awake at this midnight.

"Why are you awake?" Fourth said trying hide his surprised face and walking towards the kitchen counter.

"We need to talk." I said standing still.

"We have nothing to talk about." Fourth said taking the things out of the bags. He wasn't even looking at me.

"I'm sorry." I said loud and clear but Fourth still didn't look at me. "I SAID I'M SORRY!" The words came out louder than I intended. Fourth froze in spot.

"You're sorry? Sorry about what Gemini?" Fourth said finally looking at me and started walking towards me. "Are you sorry about what you did to me 7 years ago? Are you sorry about completely ruining my life? Are you sorry about putting me in the worst places of my mind about myself?" Fourth said pointing straight at my chest with each question. He was getting teary eyed as he asked me those.

I felt the ache in my heart. I felt like I couldn't move.

"Why are you silent? ANSWER ME!" Fourth said screaming at me. I flinched at his words. I didn't know what to say. "I SAID ANSWER ME!" Fourth started to hit my chest while tears were flowing down his eyes.

I hugged him ignoring his protest to let go. "Fourth, please listen to me. I- I'm really really sorry. I know I can't give you your precious time back, but I promise I'll try my best to make your future better. Please just..give me a chance.."

He stopped protesting and continued to cry, burying his face in my chest. I hugged him closer. I didn't want to let go.

After a while he calmed down. He freed himself from my hug. "I'll stay the night in my room." Fourth turned around and went to his room without saying anything else. I suddenly felt empty. I turned if the TV and went to my room.

I couldn't sleep and just kept tossing around the bed. I never felt the need to hug someone this badly. Now that I think of it, I don't think I had anyone hug me to comfort me after my last relationship.

My last relationship was with a girl. Her name was Fah. She used to study in the same department of my university. The ship #GeminiFah was pretty famous in our uni's page. Both of us were pretty good-looking so the ship became official pretty soon.

But after graduating and after Fourth went away. I needed to occupy myself. I know I rejected him but I never felt any hatred towards him. It's just..I got scared. I got scared what might happen if I date Fourth. Both of us might get hate for this. At that time, when I rejected Fourth in the cafeteria, my stupid self was more scared about his image. That's why I acted out like that. But after Fourth stopped coming to the uni, I got anxious over the time. I became somewhat..lonely. After I heard Fourth went abroad to continue his studies, I broke down. I tried calling his number but it work. I contacted his friends, but they refused to help me. I didn't know what to do but overtime, I was getting better. I got a girlfriend to keep my mind off of things. We dated for 3 years but after my first song became a hit, Fah started to act differently. She became more possessive and kept telling me that she knew how people changed after becoming famous. One day I just decided to end us because she was getting too much. She begged to stay but I refused. And then she just disappeared, without a trace.

I spent the rest of the night overthinking and without realizing, I fell asleep.


The next morning, I woke up in a mess. I was not feeling good and the sun rays felt like they were burning holes in my eyes. I hated these kind of mornings.

I was completely unaware of my surroundings when I went to the kitchen without washing my face. But as soon as I got out of my room, I heard sounds from my kitchen. I peeked in the kitchen and that's when I realized, Fourth was still in the house-

I entered the kitchen and Fourth looked me. His face suddenly looked like he was- blushing?

"You're awake." Fourth said looking back at the pot that was on the stove.

"I- yes hi good morning" Great I can't even speak normally.

"Good morning go get freshed, I'm cooking us breakfast."

I don't know why but suddenly I felt a warm feeling in my body and the earlier mood was replaced by something nice. I went to my room to get changed and came back. I saw Fourth already put up the table and was waiting for me.

"Took you long enough." Fourth sighed. "Take a seat, I made us pasta since..you didn't like the Tom yum I made last time."

Guilt came rushing to me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it- I-"

"It's okay don't worry about it." Fourth gave me a reassuring smile.

Is it just me or Fourth's acting much nicer today? This is not normal-

We were almost done eating when Fourth said "So..I wanted to talk to you about..last night"

I stilled. Last night.

"You know how you asked for another chance?" A hint of hope lit inside me "I'm willing to give it to you." Fourth said while looking into my eyes. I probably looked dumbfounded and excited at the same time.

I ran over to his side and hugged him. "Oh my god Fourth I will prove to you that I am better now. I'm sorry for what I did and I will repay you"

Fourth was struggling in my arms "Gemini! Let go you're gonna suffocate me!"

I finally let go but the grin on my face stayed. I was beyond happy.

"Thank you..for giving me another chance." I said finally calming down.

"Don't blow it. You won't get another if you hurt me this time. Mark my words." Fourth said pointing at me.

"I won't. I will make you fall in love with me all over again." I said smirking.

"Bet!" Fourth said chuckling.


Sweet moments?? YES HEHEJSJS I love them sm.



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