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"Satang!" Mark called at the boy sitting in the cafeteria.

"Mark! Fourth! Come here we saved a seat" Satang signaled at them to sit.

"The class was so painful I'm about to faint" Mark said dramatically.

"Painful my ass! You slept the entire lecture." Fourth lightly hit mark on his head.

"Aw! If I hadn't slept I actually would've fainted" Mark said holding his head.

"I can't with you two. Anyways so-" Satang suddenly looked distant "uh Fourth- there's someone staring at you like he's about to jump at you"

The three of them were staring at the boy on the corner table. Swarmed with girls oogling over him, Gemini Norawit.

"Gemini" Fourth said under his breath.

"What's up with him?" Mark said confused.

"I don't know but I heard he's pretty popular." Satang said.

"Yeah looks like it. But I have to say he definitely got the looks." Mark confessed.

Satang looked at Fourth, who was holding an eye contact with Gemini, unaware of the surrounding. "Fourth? Fourth! Ai FOURTH!"

"WHAT-" Fourth was startled.

"bro where are you?" Satang said.

"Sorry I zoned out" Fourth said looking back at his food.

"Fourth do you…do you like Gemini?!" Mark said pointing at Fourth.

"Alai what is this now" Fourth replied.

"OH MY GOD YOU DO LIKE HIM-" Satang gasped.

"NO I DON'T" Fourth argued.

"You're literally red as a tomato my guy" mark said pointing to Fourth's ear.

The three of them continued bickering, not noticing the tall handsome boy standing behind Fourth, who just tapped in his shoulder.

Fourth looked behind and got startled "SHIA!- Ai GEMINI!"

"Hello" Gemini smiled at Fourth.

Fourth was stunned by his beauty. "He's cute" he thought in his mind.

"What are you doing here? OH-" Mark suddenly gasped "Do you want a autograph!? You should've said so, hold up lemme get my-"

"Autograph my ass!" Satang hit Mark on the head.

"What did I do?-" Mark said holding his head.

Gemini chuckled "I just wanted to ask is it okay if I join you guys?"

The three boys looked at each other confusingly.

"It's fine if you don't want to" Gemini said scratching his head.

"No it's not that we don't want to, it's just that why would you wanna be friends with us. I mean you're never alone and your pretty popular. I bet there are people who wanna be friends with you" Satang defended.

"They just wanna use me and..you guys- don't look like that?" Gemini replied.

"Understandable, sure I mean have a seat" Satang said signaling him to sit beside Fourth, who was silent the entire time.

"Fourth are you okay? You've been distant the entire time" Satang pointed out.

"Fourth look your crush is now sitting with us-" Mark said it out loud which caught Gemini's attention.

Two Worlds (GEMINIFOURTH AU)Where stories live. Discover now